Health & Medical Mental Health

How To Cure Depression Without Medication?

In an increasingly health conscious world, there is a great rise in turning toward natural food (non-processed and organic) and natural treatments or cures for various health conditions. There are natural treatments for depression available and they have none of the side effects of traditional pharmaceutical medicines. You should learn how to cure depression without medication before your symptoms get worse.

First of all, it's knowing yourself well enough to know when you're depressed. The sooner you realize you're depressed, the sooner you can take steps to combat it. You know you're depressed when you stop doing things that you normally enjoy, procrastinate, and don't smile very often.

One of the natural ways on how to cure depression without medication is not at all limited to herbs and botanicals but also include such things as fish oil. The reason for this fish oil is that it is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. DHA Esters is also found in fish oil. High quality fish oil can be extracted from the Hoki fish that is found in the cold southern oceans of New Zealand. The intense coldness of the water does not allow toxins to develop and the fish are among the healthiest types of fish to eat or harvest fish oil from. Fish oil is rich in Omega 3/DHA Esters and contains EFAs - essential fatty acids.

There are some herbal remedies that you can take but be careful, herbal remedies are just like prescription medicine, they have a biological effect, you can overdose, and you can mix the wrong ones. This is where your research comes in.

Make sure you thoroughly research any herbal medication you're thinking of taking, many of them have clinical trials done by research laboratories so that you can read about them.

Then, realize that you may be lacking in vitamin D. Vitamin D comes from the Sun. Often, when your depressed were not outside enough to get quota of vitamin D. If you live in an area without a lot of sun, you may try a tanning booth and see if it doesn't help.

One of the more effective ways on how to cure depression without medication is through meditation. When you plan to do the deep breathing exercise, I would suggest you to sit in an outdoor space of your choice in summer, or a comfortable place in your home in winter. Let the air enter your body in high quantity. Inhale a good amount of air and exhale. Do this exercise on a daily basis so that you get used to doing it regularly.

In order to stimulate your left and right brain, breath in through your left nostril by closing your right nostril with your index finger, and breath out through your right nostril pressing your left nostril with you thumb, and alternate.

While doing this, focus on a happy memory, and delve in it, re-experiencing every single moment. Do this deep breathing exercise at least for 20 minutes every day, 30 minutes are even better.


Ayurveda treatments make use of the herbs to cure depression. As herbs are extremely good for health, the possibilities of side effects are ruled out. "Vacha Rasayana" is one of the best medicines used to cure depression. It contains many herbs that are vital for mental harmony and peace of mind.

Eating the right nutritional food serves as a way on how to cure depression without medication. It is important to take foods that are rich in proteins and nutrients. Few foods used for curing depression are; namely, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, raw almonds, mixed dried nuts and fruits, sprouts and egg. All the food mentioned above rich in nutrients and making use of them will help to reduce depression to great extent.

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