Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Is Eczema Curable?

What is Eczema? Eczema is characterized by dermatitis or inflammation of the upper layers of skin.
Patients suffer from eczema develop chronic red skin rashes, skin edema, itching and dryness along with crusting, blistering, flaking, cracking, discharging or bleeding.
Upon healing healed lesions appear as discolored skin while blemishing is very rare in eczema.
It affects both male and female irrespective of age.
Approximately one fifth of all children and one in every twelve adults suffer from eczema.
Types of Eczema Eczema can be classified in five different types.
Atopic It commonly occurs in persons who have inherited allergies, asthma or hay fever.
Allergic Contact It is caused due to sensitivity of any particular substance.
It varies with individual's sensitivity to any particular substance.
Discoid Discoid eczema is appeared as coin shaped patches.
It can affect people of all ages from young adults to old.
But it is more common in middle aged or old persons.
In younger people Discoid eczema occurs with atopic eczema.
But in adults it is caused due to stress, local skin irritation and excess drinking of alcohol.
Seborrhoeic It also affects people of all ages including babies at initial stages of life.
In babies it appears in the nappy are and scalp.
While in adults it appears in scalp and skin creases between nose and mouth sides.
Yeast can cause Seboorrhoeic eczema.
Causes of Eczema Exact causes for disease are not known yet.
Rather it has observed that disease results from a combination of genetic and environmental factor.
Other factors include emotional and stress factors.
Environmental factors include hypersensitivity to detergents, drugs, irritating fabric, soap, bubble bath and temperature change.
Skin rashes may also be the result of overactive skin's immune system.
Different things can elicit dermatitis such as food, fabric and even traveling across the country.
Genetic factors include previous family history of skin problems.
If your grand parents suffered from eczema then you will be at higher risk to get eczema outbreaks.
Is Eczema Curable? There are no treatments available to heal or cure eczema on permanent basis.
But there are lots of treatments and preventive measures that really reduce severity of the disease and also inhibit the formation of new lesions.
Different Ways to Reduce Intensity of Eczema Life Style Modifications Life style alterations are considered as primary line of protection to control eczema, regardless of the intensity of eczema i.
mild, moderate & severe.
Following are some important guidelines that help you to alter your life style in a way that reduce the severity and frequency of out breaks.
Moisturize Eczema leaves the skin dry and itchy.
It has suggested that proper use of moisturizer captures natural moisture of the skin and prevent dryness and cracking.
It is advised to use moisturizer after bath.
Avoid Contact with anything that cause irritation To reduce severity and stop more outbreaks try to avoid irritants.
Soaps, bubble bath, perfumes, cosmetics, laundry detergents, household cleaners, finger paints, gasoline, wool, pet's fur, juices from meats, fruits and plants, jewelry and even lotions can cause irritations.
Also avoid personal care products containing alcohol.
Frequent washing of hands also cause irritation.
Don't let your body over heat and over sweat Over sweating and over heating are considered as basic cause for scratch or itch.
It is strongly recommended to prevent your body from such conditions.
Abrupt Changes in Temperature and Humidity Rapid rise in temperature and decrease in humidity results in heavy sweating and dryness.
Use of Cold Compress to Control the Itch Scratching rash makes it more terrible and makes skin perforated.
This will allow bacteria to get enter in skin and cause infection.
To avoid this cold compress is use.
It can reduce inflammation and desire to scratch.
Short Finger Nails Try to keep your nails short.
This will decrease the probability of skin perforation.
It has also suggested wearing cotton gloves during sleeping.
This will halt you scratching skin during sleep.
Wear loose fitting cotton clothes Avoid using synthetic fabrics, wool and rough fabrics.
Try to use cotton and cotton mixed clothes with loose fitting.
Proper Rinsing of Clothes Laundry detergents can provoke eczema outbreaks.
To avoid eczema outbreaks try to use fragrance free, neutral pH detergents.
It is also suggested to double rinse clothes after washing with detergents.
Washing new clothes will also remove extra dyes and fabric finishers that can cause skin irritation.
Stress Reduction Stress conditions are also responsible for eczema outbreak.
It has been observed that reduction of stress also reduce eczema.
Try to reduce stress condition.
Regular Use of Prescribed Treatment Proper moisturizing and regular use of prescribed medicines can effectively improve eczema conditions and also reduce further outbreaks of eczema.
Simply Avoid Environmental Triggers Patients with Atopic dermatitis who have inherited certain allergies such as asthma, hay fever and food allergies can prevent themselves from further eczema flare-ups by avoiding such environmental triggers that can cause these allergies.
Such environmental causes include pollens, molds, mites and animal dander.
Avoid having Food that causes Atopic Dermatitis Some foods can also elicit allergies in patients of Atopic Dermatitis.
And finally these allergies cause Atopic Dermatitis flare-ups in eczema patients.
Eczema does not have any single cure.
Eczema cures are unique for every person.
Different people use different treatments to treat eczema.
These treatments include medicines and natural remedies.
Eczema can not be completely cured but symptoms and severity can be reduced by using right treatment for you.
Decision is up to you.
You must recognize and select right treatment for you according to your skin type and other condition.
Eczema can only reduce with use of proper medicines and simple modification in life style.

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