Before you get into a serious dating relationship, you need to ask the following questions about children.
If one partner seriously does not want children and the other does and you continue in that relationship, you are opening the door to anger and resentment and possible abuse toward the one wanting children or the one not wanting children.
And, it opens the door to any children born being abused and/or neglected.
If you are dating someone who already has children, you need to find out why those children's other parent is no longer in the picture.
You need to find out if those children are, or have been, abused.
Pay extra special attention to the next to the last question.
Another major red flag in theses questions is the last one.
Unfortunately, being abused often leads to be the abuser.
If there has been abuse in the past, has there been any counseling or other professional help to stop that cycle?If not, there needs to be.
Do you have any children? 2.
Do you have any other children? 3.
Do you want children? 4.
If yes, how many? 5.
Do you want to adopt any children? 6.
Do you believe in birth control? 7.
What kind of birth control? 8.
What if I don't want any children? 9.
What if I can't have any children? 10.
Are you willing to undergo surgery if I don't want any children? 11.
Are you paying child support? 12.
For who and how much? 13.
Are you current on child support? 14.
What involvement do you have in that child's (or children's) life (lives)? 15.
Are you willing to change a stinky diaper? 16.
How do you think children should be disciplined? 17.
Who should do the disciplining? 18.
Do you believe children should be spanked? 19.
If you have children, when and where do you think you should introduce them to me? 20.
What about introducing my children to your children? 21.
Do you believe you have the right to tell a visiting child "no" and insist that they behave and not destroy things at our house? 22.
What if that un-behaved child is a frequent visitor because of either being kin to the parent(s) or close friends of the parent(s)? 23.
If I already have children, are you willing to adopt them? 24.
Have you ever abused a child? 25.
Were you ever abused as a child?If so, please tell me about it.
This article copyright 2008 by Linda Culbreth.
You may freely reprint this article as long as you use exactly like it is with no changes, additions, or omissions, including the resource box.
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