Did you know that the largest organ of your body is your skin? It actually takes up 15% of your total body weight. So, if you believe that it is important to take care of yourself and you want to look your best, you need to make sure that you include your skin.
Your skin is actually your best marketing tool. The first thing a person really sees when they meet you, is your skin. And if it is healthy and glowing you probably will make a better first impression. It also makes sense, that if you have healthy glowing skin, you will have more self-confidence allowing you to be your best.
Can you really prevent wrinkles? Some of you might think that your genetic make up predicts how many wrinkles you will get or how many brown spots will show up as you age. But science has taught us only 20% of the visual signs of aging are predicted by DNA. So that means that the other 80% are affected by your daily habits.
Dermatologists recommend 10 things you can actually do to protect your skin against the environment so that you can prevent wrinkles and have healthier younger looking skin.
Top Ten Healthy Skin Tips
1. Protect Your Skin From the Sun - There really is no such thing as a healthy tan. Sun damages the skin and the tan you see is the reaction to the injury. It is essential to slather on the sunscreen to protect it against UVA/UVB rays if you want to have healthy glowing skin and prevent wrinkles.
2. Don't Smoke - Smoking delivers toxins to the skin. It actually causes the blood vessels to constrict which impairs circulation and damages the structure of the skin. The result is dryness, cracking, saggy and wrinkly skin. Yuck!
3. Get Your Beauty Sleep - Skin cells undergo repair and turnover slightly faster at night so need that time for rest. Dermatologists recommend that you not only get enough sleep but also suggest that you sleep on you back. The face plant can cause creases in the skin, which over time can become persistent. You can use this as your excuse to buy a really good pillow made especially for back sleepers and rest tight - preventing wrinkles while you sleep.
4. Find the Right Skin Care Routine and Stick With It! - Everyone's skin has different needs. Determining what products are right for you might take a little bit of time. For one thing, skin care products do not work overnight and they don't work as well if you are not consistent. And remember, you are never too young to begin taking care of your skin. All of us are aging and it is easier to prevent wrinkles, sun damage, and even acne, than it is to reverse it.4. Don't Stress Out - Stress can actually cause decreased wound healing and the body's repair process. It can also increase the occurrence of acne, eczema, rosacea, warts and herpes. Work to eliminate you stress with exercise, mediation and getting a good night's sleep.
5. Eat Well - A balance healthy diet can also have a positive affect on your skin. Vitamin A is an important nutrient to your skin and can be found in the more colorful fruits and vegetables like spinach or papayas. Vitamin E is also important and can be found in almonds and sunflower oil. Super antioxidant foods include blueberries, blackberries and prunes. Stay away from processed sugars and white flour, which may be linked to acne.
6. Exercise Regularly - Not only does exercise help you to maintain a healthy weight it also improves your circulation thus ensuring that vital nutrients are delivered to your skin cells - helping the fight against aging. Regular exercise also tends to eliminate stress again leading to healthier and more radiant skin. Exercise is a win-win.
7. Don't Stress Out - Stress can actually cause decreased wound healing and the body's repair process. It can also increase the occurrence of acne, eczema, rosacea, warts and herpes. Work to eliminate you stress with exercise, mediation and getting a good night's sleep.
8. Drink Alcohol Only In Moderation - Certainly an occasional glass of wine or a cold beer will not do you harm. But drinking in larger quantities can damage your skin because it causes the blood vessels to dilate which increases the flow of blood closer to the surface of the skin. This can result in broken capillaries and a permanent flushed appearance especially in the cheeks and on the nose. It can also cause dehydration and disrupts your sleep - not good for your skin!
9. Don't Pick - Almost every one of us has experienced the unexpected Zit - usually at the most inopportune time. Ugh! Popping pimples seems like the solution, but don't do it! Picking actually can force the bacteria deeper into the skin leading to greater inflammation. This in turn causes a delay in healing, and can even leave you with scars. It is best to use a topical sulfur or benzoyl peroxide.
10. Adapt Your Routine to Your Climate - The climate truly does affect your skin and sometimes you just need to be more aware. The humidity, or lack of it, wind, temperature and even altitude are factors in how you skin feels and what products to use. You may need more or less moisturizer, and always be aware of your need for sunscreen especially at high altitudes. Protecting your skin against the elements is a key factor in keeping your skin healthy and vibrant.
Your skin is a beautiful thing, wear it well.
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