In our effort to turn from sin and attempt to live as Christ would have us to, it is easy to become frustrated at ourselves for failing.
We can tell ourselves that Christ died for us and we are released from the power of sin.
However, we still live in a society that is not governed by the laws of our Lord and we are constantly being influenced by what we see around us.
When I am confronted by temptation, one of the verses I memorized comes from 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.
God is faithful, and will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
" This verse is not only comforting, but is also haunting at the same time.
It is a wonderful thing to realize that the Lord is faithful and will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able to resist, even giving you the means to escape it.
Also that all the temptations you encounter are normal and many others have been tempted in the same way.
However, the other side of this comes when we do fail to resist the temptations put before us.
If you think back in prayer at the sin you committed, you realize the temptation to sin was something you had the power to resist, you were given a means to escape and you sinned anyway.
Then there is the temptation to feel guilty about what you have done, but it is OK.
Paul even talked about doing what he does not want to do and falling from time to time.
I believe God will use these situations to help us mature in our faith.
God does not want us to sin.
However, He not only is there to forgive our sins, but also understands our human weaknesses.
God will judge us by the content of our hearts and only He knows if our sin was a result of weakness or if we are a habitual sinner.
I believe He even expects us to fall from time to time, just like human parents understand their children will not do right all the time, but that does not mean they love their children any less.
It is very important to understand what the Bible considers sin, so when we are confronted with temptation, we can use the power given us to turn from it.
Also, humility is necessary in order to hear the Holy Spirit give the guidance needed when temptation occurs.
When my children were teenagers, if they came in late or did something wrong, I was there to clearly tell them what they had done wrong.
Well the Holy Spirit is much more subtle and only with a humble attitude will you be able to hear Him.
He is not sitting there waiting to ground you, like I was my child when one of them came home late.
So always be on guard against temptation and humbly look to the Lord for strength to turn from temptation when it occurs.
It will come, but you can take comfort in knowing the Lord is faithful and not let you be tempted beyond your ability to turn from it.
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