When someone you love leaves you, it may seem incredibly difficult to mend your life the way it was. There are a few stages of healing from your break up, that you need to know about, in order to cure your broken heart.
Take a Honest Look at Yourself
Losing the one you thought appreciate you most is the equivalent of an earthquake for your confidence. You tend to see yourself as worthless, which is far from being the truth. One strong argument is that even the person that left still had seen something special in you, for many years. Discover again what is special about you, as for sure, you have some particular skills and qualities, ready to charm people around you. Start rebuilding your confidence by knowing who you are.
Avoid Isolation
In the first stage of healing, it is OK to spend some time in isolation. After all, you need to mourn a little, and take the time to lick your wounds, but do not fall into the trap of overindulging yourself in this situation. Turn to your family and friends for comfort, after a while.
Take the Distance
Now that you and your ex are officially broken, let things stay that way. If you feel the need to call them, talk to them, get them to return to you, you will only end up more hurt than before. Cut all ties, it is for the better. When you feel the need to talk to someone, seek a friend. They will help you get over these tough moments, and for sure, you will not regret doing so. This is one of the most important rules of healing from your break up.
Get Challenged
Sitting at home, with nothing to do, will not help you heal faster. On the contrary, your mind will remain caught in a loop of hurt and misery, that is damaging, especially on the long term. What you need to do is finding a new and challenging activity that will have you engrossed in it, and help you forget about the one that hurt you. A busy mind always heals faster.
Do Not Neglect Your Social Life
Once the mourning period is over, get involved again into your social life. Hang out with your friends, take part to a social event, whatever drags you out of the house, and back into the spotlight again. Your life is far from being over, no matter how important that relationship has been for you. This is the fastest way to get back to your life and heal yourself completely.
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