Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Be Gorgeous - Add Beauty to Your Soul - Natural Beauty

Wouldn't it be wonderful to look and feel gorgeous every day of your life?Believe it or not - this is not as impossible as it sounds.
If you follow my tips and add beauty to your soul you will be gorgeous.
Before you can be gorgeous you must feel comfortable with who you are.
This means accepting and loving every part of you including your body, your attitude and your personality.
The ability to be gorgeous is within the grasp of every woman.
The first step in this process is to accept yourself for who you are.
You must gain the confidence to stand up and say 'I am who I am', it is having the strength to be an individual and to be unique in any situation.
Remember that an original is always worth far more than any cheap copy.
Something that is rare and special is worth a million times more than something that is false or forced.
Anything forced cannot be natural.
By bringing out your own individuality, you can make yourself into a rare and special person and that is what being gorgeous is all about.
The second step is to bring out your natural beauty.
Natural beauty begins at the very core of your personality; it is the essence of what makes you gorgeous and it shows in your eyes.
When it comes to being gorgeous the eyes definitely have it, they are the window to your soul, and when you add beauty to your soul it will shine through your eyes for everyone to see.
Natural beauty is about being true to yourself and believing in yourself and never about copying the looks of the airbrushed models that gaze out at us from magazine covers and billboards.
Natural beauty also comes from looking after yourself by eating the right foods so that your skin becomes smooth and soft to touch.
It is not about plastering yourself with make-up and presenting a false image to the world.
The food you eat can add a sparkle to your eyes and a glow to your skin.
You can also enhance your natural beauty by doing simple toning exercises to improve your posture and add a spring to your step.
Long and toned muscles are always extremely beautiful.
There is no set formula to being gorgeous and thankfully, it doesn't rely on your external looks alone.
This is where your personality, your attitude towards yourself and how you react towards others plays an enormous part.
Your attitude and how you feel about yourself is everything.
In your quest to learn how to be gorgeous, you must take into account how you cope with every day life.
Do you moan incessantly when things don't go your way? Do you criticise others for faults they cannot help? Do you react aggressively when challenged? If you truly want to be gorgeous then you must step back for a moment and take a good look at yourself.
See what other people see when they get to know you.
Feeling good about yourself and being comfortable in your own skin is actually the key to being gorgeous.
The third step is developing a gorgeous attitude not only towards yourself but towards others as well.
You can do this easily by brushing up on your social skills and learning to interact with others in a positive way.
If others enjoy your company and you make them feel good about themselves when they are with you; they will feel drawn towards you.
Taking an interest in others and showing that you care will take you a long way to towards being gorgeous.
There is no point in making your self externally beautiful if your personality doesn't match.
If you do this then you run the risk of coming across as vain, conceited or self-centered.
Very soon you may discover that others appear reluctant to spend any time in your company and you may even make your self unpopular.
So being gorgeous is not only how you feel about yourself inside but also how others feel about you and how you make them feel while they are with you.

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