Business & Finance Careers & Employment

After Interview Tips - Critiquing A Potential Manager

Countless numbers of recent college graduates cannot come to terms with the fact that they don't know what they want to do with their career.
Frequently, because they crave community, they simply go the route of their friends.
Conversely, when you begin to dig as to the needs of the applicant on a broader level almost all can answer any question regarding as to what types of environments they want to be in.
Aside from the prerequisite to feel important and have a voice, these desired business environments for the youngsters will mostly include the desire to be challenged, the craving to be rewarded for hard work, the longing for employment stability and for them to be healthy (i.
have benefits).
Also, we all have the ability to have fun and be engaged with one's work including eventual autonomy.
I presume that exceptions do exist to the statement that I am going to make, but with every desire, there are opposing force(s).
Once a recent college graduate signs on to work in what they hope is their ideal office setting, the management team of that company can either produce or fail to create any particular job seeker's needs.
You'd be surprised as to how many managers think that yelling gets through to anyone.
Starting The Transition From Work Environment Determination To Interviewing: Even though you studied x, as a young professional, upon going into the interviewing and recruiting process, you will find yourself meeting with companies that had nothing to do with your studies.
This is fine as class time is over.
Well, here's a hint: throughout life, class time continues for a few, and those are the ones who obtain what they want.
Thus, it is more apt to say that there is no professor to cheer you on and nobody to give you positive reinforcement but yourself.
Prior to proceeding as to how to decipher bad management through one interview, though we must define what is and what is not "good management.
" First, the phrase "good" is too vague and is quite intangible.
I define good management or managers as the people who have a vested interest in their team doing well for everybody's benefit.
Even though there is an abundance of evidence that backs the theory that creating a bureaucracy where the employees are afraid to voice their opinions does not work in the long run.
From an initial interview, here are some ways to determine if the a company's management is going to create a positive, open, vibrant environment for the new employees or whether they are going to make the next two years of your life be ones of under compensation and under appreciation.
In The Interview, Do They Talk And Consistently Talk The Company Up? If their company was as amazing as claimed, they would have factual (actual visual) evidence to back it up.
This means a nice office full of friendly and happy people.
How Interested Are They In You Both Professionally And Personally? Who Is The Interview About? If you step into an interview and all the interviewer does is talk about the firm and themselves, then proceeds to ask interview questions that were probably printed out from a career blog and, as you do your memorized "pitch," they begin to do paper work.
First, forget the salary and the extra $5,000 the job may be paying.
Here's the problem with dealing with this type of individual as a potential manager: they are most likely unhappy either in work life or both.
They say misery loves company.
Well, if misery has no company, it is going to create those friends.
Do The Potential Manager Ask The Right Questions Regarding Your Background? Has the person looked at your resume? For instance, if they are truly interested you and you happened to be a history major, they should ask what your area of interests within the discipline did you find most interesting.
Likewise, the reason they listen is that leaders always like to learn new things and, upon getting a human textbook in front of them, they prefer the verbalized book as they don't have the time to read books and, more importantly it's cheaper than the text version.
Another rule of thumb is that prior to the interview, the interviewer should know something about your college.
If they don't, it alludes to the fact that you are simply a commodity to the organization and the desired office atmosphere will fail to satisfy.
What Is Their Background? Here is probably the biggest red light.
If you are interviewing with a cloud computing company and the manager was selling real estate (residential) prior to somehow being put in an important role that requires managing the livelihood of others, their top management may have quite a bit of flaws.
If this is the case, again, misery likes friends and, in this circumstance is bound to create a Facebook page from the top down and everybody is going to be friends - until the company goes under.
Two Other Factors To Consider When Sizing Up Management: Is The Manager Candid And Specific Or Vague And Wishy-Washy? Do You Feel That The Manager Is Happy? How Can You Tell?

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