Almost all women have to deal with some PMS symptoms at some point.
They may not hit you hard every single month, but there are probably times when they can completely incapacitate you.
After all, about eighty-five percent of women report suffering from PMS problems.
A lot of them are now exploring natural options for complete PMS relief.
Expecting Traditional Medications To Work: You might be expecting traditional medications to work to treat your PMS symptoms, but that simply isn't always going to happen.
First of all, medications can cause allergies, dependency and side effects.
They can also lose their effectiveness when you use them too often.
On top of that, there is the expense to consider.
Also, there are so many varied symptoms of PMS that it's difficult to find a single medication to relieve every PMS issue.
In fact, it is impossible.
You cannot expect one single medication to treat swelling, nausea, constipation, food cravings, body aches and breast pain all at once.
However, you absolutely can expect that kind of a result from a natural supplement pill that is formulated specifically to support your body during your period.
Supplement Pills: You see, more and more people are turning back to herbal remedies to relieve period symptoms and many other medical ailments.
Herbalism used to be considered a bit of a fad or a bit strange, to say the least.
However, these days, herbalists and holistic medicine practitioners are popping up everywhere.
Many of those herbalists are now producing compound supplement pills.
One of them that is gaining a great reputation for relieving PMS and period-related issues is Period Vitamin.
It contains a wonderful blend of minerals, herbs and vitamins.
Some of them include white willow bark, wild yam, black cohosh and evening primrose.
It also contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.
which can each supply vital nutrients for your body and also increase your body's immune system, giving you more energy.
The Purpose Of Black Cohosh And White Willow Bark: Black cohosh was originally a Native American remedy for PMS and menstrual pains.
So, it has been used over hundreds of years.
It was also used as a Native American remedy for sore throats, arthritis, hives and aches and pains.
It works for all of those purposes because it has anti-inflammatory qualities.
It also contains phytoestrogens, which can support your body.
White Willow bark works well with black cohosh because white willow bark is a natural pain reliever.
So, the black cohosh can reduce inflammation and white willow bark can relieve a lot of the pain that black cohosh cannot.
In fact, both together work well for relieving mood swings too, not just physical PMS symptoms.
Relieve Your Stress: No matter how great your natural herbal supplement is, you aren't going to get complete PMS relief from it.
You also need to do your part by reducing the stress in your life as much as possible.
Stressing out will only make you more irritable and uncomfortable.
It will also cause your body to release unnecessary stress hormones.
So, the calmer you can stay, the better chance a supplement has of doing its job well.
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