Health & Medical Anti Aging

Dr Oz Resveratrol For Anti-Aging - The Secret of Dr Oz to Live Longer & Look Younger Revealed

Red wine is really good for your health, and this fact is one of the most talked about pieces of dietary news to arise in recent years.
Oz says part of the reason is the resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that comes from the skin of grapes.
White wine has no resveratrol benefit because vintners don't do the same process to make white wine than that of red wine.
Resveratrol also turns on a system in your body that prevents cells from aging.
Oz also says that you can get some resveratrol from Concord grape juice or other dark grape juices, but you won't get as much benefit as you would get from red wine.
"80% of the benefit of the wine is alcohol, and 20% is resveratrol.
It's the combination that makes this red wine so valuable.
But also remember, moderation is the key when drinking to your health.
Oz recommends that people should drink about 1 glass of red wine a day.
Some men can drink slightly more because males metabolize alcohol more effectively compared to females.
You can also get anti-aging nutrients from spices.
Oz says that research have shown that cinnamon can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, especially those with type-2 diabetes.
Turmeric is also a relief from those who suffer from arthritis.
This Turmeric is a spice found in curry that has also been reported to help prevent Alzheimer's.
Cayenne Pepper and Patrika can also help fight high blood pressure and improve circulation.

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