There are lots of ways for teenagers to make money both offline and online.
When I was a teenager the internet wasn't really around, so I made my money doing paper rounds.
I wish the internet had been around when I was that age because I was already familiar with computers and programming, so I am sure I would have spotted an opportunity online.
The great news is that you, if you're a teenager reading this ( and even if you're not ) can make money online.
The wealthiest teenagers tend to start their own businesses offering services or building up their virtual real estate.
There is a new wave of online teens making a great income online by blogging.
Indeed if you look up the make money online niche you'll probably find a number of teenagers doing well in the search engine results.
There are all sorts of ways of then monetizing the traffic you get to the blog including selling advertising space, reviewing products and getting commissions from any sales and developing partnerships for launching new products.
Another one of the great ways for teenagers to make money online is to do affiliate marketing.
At a basic level all that is required is a small website which funnels visitors to other websites you are affiliated with.
If the person visiting the website buys a product you will earn a commission on the sale.
In some cases the visitor will be 'cookied' and you may receive commissions on future sales for a set period of time.
Commissions for products can vary from fairly low figures around the 4% level right up to 75% or even higher for products that are delivered digitally.
One of the biggest advantages of blogging is that not only can you quickly provide commentary on fast moving and hot trends, but you can also give your readers a focal point and a place to air their views as a collective group.
Above is just two ways for teenagers to make money online.
If you do things the right way, you'll have an ever growing empire of virtual real estate.