It is a little known fact that kittens as young as six months are capable of becoming pregnant.
The gestation period is normally between 63 and 66 days although this can be a little longer with certain breeds such as the Siamese.
The first obvious signs that a cat is pregnant are the swelling of the stomach area and the "pinking up" of the nibbles.
The signs will normally become apparent about 20 days after mating.
The nearer the time to the birth the expectant "mum" will start nesting.
She will be seeking a nice warm and safe place to have her kittens.
A cat's natural instinct is to seek privacy and safety for the birth.
Throughout the pregnancy the cat will tend to eat well and more than they would otherwise do.
Just like humans it is a case of "eating for two" although in the cat's case it more like eating for five as the average litter is around four kittens.
Because the womb swells in pregnancy although the cat needs to eat more it may prefer little and often rather than its normal eating pattern.
As the birth draws near the cat may well stop eating completely for the last day before labour commences.
You may also notice the cat pacing the floor unable to settle.
Most cats can give birth with very little trouble but especially in the case of a new inexperienced mum she might require some help from you.
The first sign that the birth is about to commence is that the cat will start breathing very rapidly.
The first kitten should appear within an hour of the onset of labour and the womb mates will appear at around 2 hourly intervals.
Most cats appear to have a natural maternal instinct and will be able to care for their kittens.
However, especially with young inexperienced mothers they may find the experience of giving birth frightening and need a helping hand.
The kittens are born with a membrane sac around them which the mother will normally remove but you should be prepared to do this is she does not.
If there are any problems you should not hesitate to contact the vet and seek advice and help.
The majority of cats make wonderful mothers and will look after the new additions with few problems.
While kittens can be a joy, finding homes for them can be a problem.
After a cat has given birth to her first litter you should seriously consider having her spayed eight to ten weeks after the birth.
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