- 1). A good, old-fashioned mat. Without any equipment whatsoever, you can get an excellent abdominal workout from the many variations of abdominal exercises that can be performed on an exercise mat. Sit ups, standard crunches, butterfly crunches and leg raises are all examples of exercises that may be performed on an exercise mat with no additional equipment.
- 2). The Ab Roller. Twenty-five years ago, these were created to look like a tire with handles protruding from the spokes. The newer models are more sleek and futuristic looking; however, it performs the same as its predecessor. By rolling the wheel forward until your body is extended, then rolling back to the starting position, your abs will receive a killer workout that is bound to have you feeling it the next day.
- 3). The stability ball. Another simple device, the stability ball is notorious for providing a great core workout. Crunches may be performed on top of the ball, or the ball may be used to prop up the feet and provide relief for people with lower back problems while performing supine abdominal exercises. While in the supine position, you can place the ball in between your legs, transferring the ball from your legs to your arms as you perform a "V" up.