Many men have been in the situation when there girlfriend has dumped them. You believe everything is going well in their relationship until one day; she turns around and says that she doesn't want to be with you anymore.
You can see this coming when you start to feel the distance between each other widening. You know something is not right but you can't quite put your finger on what the problem is. You become suspicious, believing she is seeing someone else. She doesn't want to see you much anymore, doesn't want to make plans and shows less and less affection towards you as the days go by. Then she hits the final nail in the coffin and dumps you.
The mistake men make is that they refuse to believe that it's true. Out of desperation they show her more attention and affection, hoping that things will go back to how they used to be. The problem is this usually pushes her further and further away from him. She says that she isn't interested anymore and they should just be friends.
It then gets even worse when the man suffers from denial. He just can't believe that she would dump him and really can't understand why this has all happened. He will put up with shocking behaviour from her, just in the hope that she will get back with him. Some men will even hold out hope when she is dating another man, waiting for her to break up with him so he can get back with her.
If this is you then stop this BETA male behaviour!
The first thing you need to do is change your whole mindset about the situation. The fact of the matter is you can't beat around the bush. She isn't going to come back straight away and she may never come back at all. These are the facts! Most men look for a quick fix. They feel hurt, lonely and they want these feelings to disappear. Fussing over her is not going to make these feelings disappear and certainly won't do your self-esteem any good.
You need to look at the main problem. She left you because she doesn't feel attracted to you anymore. She doesn't like the man you are at THE MOMENT so she dumps you. Some men believe that if they stay away from her long enough, she will start to miss him, realise dumping him was a mistake and then come running back. This just doesn't happen. She left you because she doesn't like who you are now, so if you don't change and you are the same person in six months time, she still isn't going to like you.
It's time for you to change if you want her back!
There is no quick fix. Changing takes a lot of time and effort. You don't want to be one of these men that sends her lots of flowers and constantly tries to call her. That's a shit place to be in!
If you REALLY want to change and get her back, you need to start cutting her off completely. Even if tries to contact you, don't try to contact her back, not even to see how she is.
When she wants to break up with you she really has no attraction towards you anymore. Some women play men along for a while (like we discussed above) when the man can sense something is wrong but doesn't quite know why. Women do this for one of two reasons.
Firstly, they don't want to hurt you, so she tries to let you down gently thinking this is the best way to go about it.
Secondly, she wants you to change and she is waiting around to see if this will happen. She wants to start seeing the man you used to be when you first met.
The fact is you have to stay away from her. The more you beg and pester her, the more your alpha male status reduces and the more she will think you are an unattractive push over. The relationship is over so put it in the past, close the book and move on. Keep your dignity and call it quits. At least if you do have a chance with her in the future, she won't think that you are a complete walk over. She may even think that you are pretty cool in the way that you handled the break up.
During your time apart you need to work on yourself. You need to become the man that she and every woman want (this is where my website can help you). The best thing you can do is to have a few weeks off women to get your head together and then once sorted start dating other women immediately. This will help your recovery and show your ex that she may have been wrong about you. She will hear that you are dating women and her jealous nature will arise.
You are not doing it to get back at her but to get her back. Eventually when you see her again in six months time it will be like meeting her for the first time. You will be a new man and if you get back together it will be like a new relationship.
The funny thing is that when men decide to change and transform themselves into the Alpha Man, they look back at when they broke up with their ex and wonder what all the fuss was about. Why was I so upset?
Some get to the point when they don't even want their ex back. They now have more options and even if they do bump into their ex girlfriend again, they take it or leave it. He has respect for himself and knows that he could get back with her if he wanted to, but realises there are plenty more women in the world. He can put his old relationship with her to bed and move on. This is what you need to do.
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