The symptoms of depression include
- Feeling bad all the time.
- Feeling worthless, guilty, and/or hopeless for no rational reasons.
- Constant irritability and/or anxiety.
- Lethargy.
- Loss of focus in the activities and works you used to enjoy.
- Disturbances in sleeping pattern: You want to sleep continuously, you are having trouble dozing off, or you're not getting a good night's sleep.
- Difficulty focusing and making good decisions.
- A lot of stomachaches or headaches.
- Loss of appetite or eat excessively
- Using illegal drugs and/or alcohol to avoid reality.
- Constantly thinking of death or maybe suicide. If you have these destructive thoughts, get help straightaway. Contact National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, they will connect you with someone at your nearest suicide crisis center who will help you in dealing with these negative feelings.
You need to stay active. Sport is a great way to eliminate stress, anxiety, and destructive thoughts. So when you are feeling down, you shouldn't plop yourself in front of a huge burger and TV. Go for a walk or run, swim, take a bike ride and play fun sport activities. Rent a funny movie or borrow amusing books, spend time with a humorous friend, watch daily sitcom, read the funny comics, or check out a humor and jokes internet sites. A hearty belly laugh is therapeutic. There are many ways to have intense fun on the cheap. Do puzzles with your children, read a good book, play board game, tend your garden, go for hikes, invite relatives and friends over for a potluck meal, visit your local parks, and so forth.