Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Cherish, designer of Welcome to my studio. Today I want to show you how to make letters out of quilling paper. Okay so to begin making letters out of quilling paper, you need a few tools. To start, a little piece of paper or a card that you're going to attach the letter to. Of course you're going to need your quilling paper strips and these come pre-cut in the store and you can buy them in any array of colors. You'll also need a quilling needle. This is a standard quilling needle which is also like an embroidery or piercing needle and there's also a really specialized quilling needle that has a split down the middle and this is so it can grab onto the piece of paper. So this is great for beginners. So the first letter that I want to show you how to make is a C and this is very simple to do. What you're going to do is start with your quilling needle and just at the end, put the piece of paper in the middle of the needle and you're going to start rolling towards you or away, whatever your preference. The most important thing is to keep it even and we're going to go a little bit on both sides of the C. Okay, so that will be the top of the C and then I'm going to do the same thing, just grab the bottom of the quilling strip and I'm going to go towards the top. So the last thing you need to do is shape your letter. So I'm just going to slightly curve my finger down to create the C, just to give the paper some memory. Once you have a little bit of glue along the bottom of the C, you're going to position it onto your paper and press down and that's how you would quill a C. The next letter I want to show you how to make is a W or an M and to begin you're going to take your quilling paper and fold it in half to create a crease and then again you're going to fold down on either side. So in the middle of this we have a little bit of an M. So now that we have our basic shape, you can go to the edge again and grab your quilling paper. So you can either quill in or out depending on your preference but my example shows quilling out of the letter like this and I'm going to do it again on this other side to match. So if you quill it too tightly, don't worry you can always pull it back out or if you need to you can also push it back in to create the right dimensions. Some quilling letters will require you to cut your strip into two pieces like the K for example. So what I'm going to do is look at the strip that I have and I'm going to cut off about a third and so you can see how this will be the long side and this will be the short side of your K. So again I'm going to take the bottom of the K and quill towards me. So this will create the vertical line of your K and now we're going to finish it off with this guy. You can see it's tiny but it's going to be the last part of the K. So this would be a lower case K. I'm Cherish. I hope you learned a few little techniques to help you when you're making letters out of quilling paper. I hope you'll go live life to the fullest and make it something to cherish.