- 1). Speak openly and honestly with your teenagers about drugs and alcohol. Do not lie to them or exaggerate the truth. Instead, be brutally honest and provide your teens with factual information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Be certain to talk with them about the legal ramifications of underage drinking, driving while intoxicated and using or possessing illegal drugs. Also talk with them about the physical and mental health issues that often result from drug and alcohol use.
- 2). Encourage your teenagers to take anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and biology classes in school. These classes will teach factual information about how drugs and alcohol function on the cellular level as well as how they impact the body. Sometimes teens don't listen to their parents, so hearing this information from an unbiased instructor can convince your teens that this information is true.
- 3). Participate in a substance abuse prevention program, such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), which works to prevent drunk driving and underage drinking. Encourage your teenagers to participate in age-appropriate substance abuse prevention programs, such as Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) or Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.).
- 4). Know your teenagers' friends and insist on knowing their families as well. Teenagers are greatly influenced by peer pressure and the behaviors of their friends. Knowing the friends of your teenagers will enable you to intervene if you believe your teens are spending time with people who are poor influences.
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