One of our biggest failures is often at the beginning of engagement, the hiring process, where we present the job/role in a shiny box with a big bow so that the potential candidate can't resist.
I suggest unwrapping that box, leaving the price tag on and having a candid discussion about the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of the job, including:
- Work clock expectations
- Workplace politics and dynamics
- The organizational culture
- Leadership styles within the organization
- What types of people tend to succeed in the company
- What types of people tend not to succeed in the company
- How frequently promotions occur
Seems like a lot to do for one measly hire? Well, think again because the stats show that 70% of young employees job hop within the first two years of employment.
So what? Well let's do some math.
Here are the costs associated with losing a trained employee and then replacing them: Attracting someone new + Retention costs + Recruiting New Talent + Loss of Intellectual Capital + Loss of Client Relationships + Loss of Productivity/Job Skills If you add all of these figures together, you are talking anywhere from 2-3 times someone's annual salary.
Maybe presenting the real story is not such a bad idea?