- 1). Disconnect the water heater from the electrical power source. Close off the shut-off valves for the hot and cold water lines.
- 2). Attach the pump outlet hose to the service valve on the cold water line. Attach the drain hose to the service valve on the hot water line. The service valves are closer to the heater than the shut off valves.
- 3). Pour four gallons of food-grade white vinegar into a bucket.
- 4). Set the drain hose from the hot water line. Set the hose attached to the pump inlet into the bucket of vinegar.
- 5). Open the service valves on both the hot and cold water lines. Turn on the pump, and let the vinegar run through the water heater for at least 45 minutes. Turn off the pump at the end of the 45 minutes.
- 6). Remove the end of the drain hose from the bucket to begin cleaning out the vinegar solution. Close the service valve closest to the heater on the cold water line, and then open the cold water shut-off valve.
- 7). Wait for five minutes as water flows through the heater. Close the service valve on the hot water line, and open the hot water shut-off valve.
- 8). Disconnect all the hoses, and then close the shut off valve on the cold water line. Slide out the filter at the cold water inlet. Clean off any debris or residue with a clean cloth.
- 9). Place the filter back, open the cold water shut off valve and turn the power back on to the water heater.
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