There are tons of types of cat breeds.
Some are very popular while others aren't at all.
A lot depends on the type of cat, the price of the cat, and how available the cat breed is.
You have to take into consideration all of these factors when you look at the most popular cat breeds.
Let's take a look at the most popular cat breeds.
According to the Cat Fancier's Association, or the CFA, there are forty one pedigreed cat breeds recognized by them.
They number the most popular cat breeds in the following list: 1.
Persian 2.
Maine Coon 3.
Exotic 4.
Siamese 5.
Abyssinian 6.
Ragdoll 7.
Birman 8.
American Shorthair 9.
Oriental 10.
Sphynx 11.
Norwegian Forest Cat 12.
Burmese 13.
Cornish Rex 14.
Devon Rex 15.
Tonkinese 16.
British Shorthair 17.
Scottish Fold 18.
Ocicat 19.
Russian Blue 20.
Egyptian Mau 21.
Somali 22.
Manx 23.
Color point shorthair 24.
Selkirk Rex 25.
Chartreux 26.
American Curl 27.
Japanese Bobtail 28.
Turkish Angora 29.
European Burmese 30.
Siberian 31.
Singapura 32.
American Bobtial 33.
Javanese 34.
Turkish Van 35.
Korat 36.
Balinese 37.
Havana Brown 38.
Ragamuffin 39.
Bombay 40.
American Wirehair 41.
LaPerm Each cat has different personalities and different traits that make it likable and on the list where it is.
Cats may all seem the same but they really aren't.
Let's take a look at the top five most popular cats and see what makes them so likable.
The Persian cat has been the most popular cat since the Cat Fancier's Association started to keep track in 1871.
They are extremely loyal cats and are very loving.
The Maine Coon cat has been at number two for over fifteen years.
They are very loving and gentle towards humans.
The Exotic breed of cats is actually just like a Persian breed, but with shorter hair.
They are just like the Persian cats as they are loving and very loyal.
The Siamese breed of cats are very talkative.
They will make noises all the time.
People think that it is because they are trying to get attention or just like to chat, just like a young toddler does when they are first learning to talk.
They are very active cats and love to be played with.
They are also extremely loyal and will usually become very close to their owner.
The Abyssinian breed is very busy.
They love being active and play all the time.
Most people think that cats are lazy and just sit around all day, but they love being around people and playing.
If you want to get a cat, check into the most popular ones and why they are so popular.
Many people just pick out a pet because they like the look of it, but they don't realize that each animal and type of animal likes different things.
It's like a human.
Not all people are happy and playful, and neither are cats.
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