Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Is There Anything Called Cancer Cure Resveratrol?

For cancer cure, resveratrol can be used.
But there is nothing called cancer cure resveratrol.
Since resveratrol is a great antioxidant and oxidation is one of the reasons for cancer, it can be seen to help cancer patients.
Our body is made up of 100 trillion cells.
We are building block of cells only.
If we have to keep good health, all the cells should be able to keep the energy and release as and when required.
For this a good immune system is very important.
All our cells die once in every 720 days and made anew.
Adequate nutrition ensures good immune system which in turn helps regeneration of the cells.
Why the cells die? This is because of the oxidation.
How a cut apple becomes brown and iron gets rusted due to oxygen that reacts with moisture in the atmospheric air, the same way the oxygen which we inhale damages the cells.
This is called oxidation.
Antioxidant nutrition regenerates the cells.
While degeneration is important for nature to survive, the nutrition which we take competes and regenerates the cells.
In this way we postpone ageing and lead a healthy life.
When the cells are subjected to oxidation, the cell loses the proton and float around.
They are called free radicals.
They try to steal proton from other good cells.
Antioxidants provide the proton to free radicals and also scavenge the dead cells.
In the absence of antioxidant nutrition, the free radicals work like weeds.
They establish their own channel of blood and eat the nutrition required for good cells.
This is how cancer cells are formed.
This is the reason I said that for cancer cure resveratrol can be seen as a potential substance.
Let us come to few specifics.
Cytokine is a substance produced in our body for cellular communication.
Whenever any cell in our body is affected by pathogen, cytokine is produced in that region so that the immune molecule can identify the affected cell and provide healing.
Sometimes, oxidation affects the cytokine.
Instead of doing good job of communication, they become inflammation cytokine and thus lose the potency.
In such a case, immune molecule cannot identify the pathogen affected cell and allows the cell to become a weed.
Resveratrol is believed to inhibit the inflammation cytokine.
The chance of cancer cell formation is reduced.
Herpes simplex virus when affected our cells cannot be reversed.
But the impact can be contained.
They live by eating a kind of protein which our body synthesis.
Resveratrol is believed to reduce the production of that protein and prevents further proliferation.
While I agree that for cancer cure resveratrol can be seen as a good remedy, we should not forget other antioxidant nutrition which can also be considered.
In fact a holistic approach is essential to address the problem of cancer.
Considering few known facts about resveratrol with regard to its metabolism, emodin addition when the supplement is made, side effects etc.
, I strongly advise you to go for a fantastic nutrition supplement which has more than 70 natural herbs with low dosage of this substance.
Since it comes with enteric coated format, it can easily penetrate into the blood rather than getting flushed out.
I use this daily.
I lead a healthy life and not allow weed to develop in my body.
You should visit my website and I am sure you will realize that for cancer cure resveratrol is one of the antioxidants and there are more to it which should be considered for such killer diseases.

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