Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Eye Doctor

It has been related that our'eyes are the windows to our souls' as they can reveal much about an individual. Well, I do not know if that exclaiming is totally accurate, but it does indirectly underline why we need to look after our eyes. For without clear vision, our sight can become reduced, even permanently lost.

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Let's have a look at seven strategies you can protect your vision, helping to ensure a life of good eye health for you :
An ophthalmologist ( eye doctor ) will take a look at your eyes for such Problems as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration, commending glasses, surgery and other care to help to keep your vision sound. Eye examinations will often turn up other health Problems first including diabetes.
Eat Smart - A healthy diet is important for good eye health including those fruits and vegetables which include Vitamin A, carotenoids, Vitamins E and C. Some folk insist that flaxseed oil is a natural treatment for dry eyes while others seek to scale back their fat intake by concentrating on Omega-3 acid.
Don't Smoke - Smoking cigarettes is one of the worst things you can do to your eyes. Smoking has been linked with macular degeneration as blood flow to the eye is slowed down when puffing cigarettes.
defend your Eyes - Wear sunglasses as frequently as possible [*COMMA] consider carrying an umbrella to avoid intense light and wear a hat with an edge to offer maximum protection. Use eye protection equipment when working with tools, while cutting the turf or doing any other kind of work where foreign objects could injure your eye. If an accident occurs, seek hospital treatment at once .

Clean Your Hands - Eye infections are highly contagious and oftentimes certain.
Use proper Lighting - though your eyes will adjust for lighting levels, you have to avoid vicious interior lighting or natural ambient lighting. LCD screens are better on the eyes than the old CRT panels. Take frequent breaks too as a'change of scenery' can help preserve your vision.
Exercise And Blink - hardly any folks think about exercising their eyes, but this is crucial too. C. PC monitor frequently, targeting some other object in the room to give your eyes some rest. Blink more regularly as this will help in keeping your eyes wet and clear. Some folk also have to use'artificial tears' to help to keep their eyes clammy ; your eye doctor can recommend over the counter treatment or prescribe the right medicine.
Take good care of your eyes and you'll minimize the danger of losing your internet site, preserving your vision along with your independence.

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