Health & Medical Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga - How to Do Sun Salute Part A

In Ashtanga Yoga there are two types of Sun Salute.
They are known as Sun Salute A and Sun Salute B.
Part A warms up the shoulders, spine and legs, especially the hamstrings.
Part B warms up the hips and legs further.
Both strengthen the arms and shoulders, bringing connection to the breath and bandhas (internal locks).
Sun Salute A has 9 movements; 1) Stand at the front of the mat, with feet together and arms to the side.
Ground the feet, spread the toes and gently lift the inner arches.
Draw the energy down through the legs.
Gently draw up the knee cap without overextending the knees.
Keep the pelvis level.
This may mean drawing the tail bone down.
This will help activate the abdominal lock.
Keep the chest lifted without overextending the thoracic spine.
Remember to keep the back of the body as long as the front, with shoulders drawn down and arms to the side.
Keep the crown of the head lifted.
Gaze the eyes forward softly.
Watch that the chin doesn't throw forward, shortening the back of the neck.
This will not happen if the chest is lifted.
Connect with the rhythm of the breath in and out of the nose.
Initiate Ujjayi breathing, partially closing the back of the throat.
The chest will work like a blacksmith's bellows.
Inhale, keeping alignment through the body.
Raise the arms straight up overhead to palms touching.
Look to the hands.
2) Exhale, fold forward from the hips.
Bring the palms to the floor, shoulder width apart.
Bend the knees if you need to whilst bringing the head toward the knees.
3) Inhale, keep the hands on the floor.
Lift the head until the spine is straight and look forward.
4) Exhale, step or jump the feet back to hip width apart, and lower the body down to plank position, parallel to the floor.
Keep the legs and abdomen strong and firm, and gaze the eyes slightly forward.
5) Inhale whilst simultaneously rolling forward over the toes to the top of the feet and straightening the arms come into what is known as upward facing dog, stretching the entire front of the body.
Keep the legs straight and strong, arch the back keeping the shoulders down while lifting the chest forward and up.
Lift the head without compressing the back of the head.
Gaze upward with the eyes.
6) Exhale, bring the head forward as you lift the hips.
Flip over the toes again, and rest in downward facing dog.
The arms, legs and back should be straight and strong.
Keep the feet are parallel, draw the knees up and press the heels back.
The spine should be neutral.
Watch that the front lower ribs don't throw forward.
Spread the fingers of the hands, with the middle finger facing forward, so as to avoid wrist problems.
Keep the arms straight, and roll the shoulders away from the neck.
Gaze the eyes to the navel and hold for 5 complete breaths.
7) Inhale, step or jump your feet together to the front of the mat.
Straighten the legs and back, and look up and forward with the head.
8) Exhale and bring the head toward the knees.
9) Inhale, standing all the way up.
Bring the arms straight up, over the head, with palms together and look to the hands.
10) Exhale and bring the arms to the side back to your starting position.
This sequence is one Sun Salute.
Practise this until it is committed to memory and the breath is smooth and consistent.

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