Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Divorce - How Men Deal With It

Getting a divorce is hard for both parties involved, but men and women may have different reactions when it comes to it.
For instance, it's interesting how a man reacts when his wife tells him that she wants to get a divorce.
Men often react and handle divorce negatively.
In typical men fashion, most of them will stay silent and say nothing.
They will keep up the silent treatment until they have to let off steam.
Then they can get pretty nasty or even violent in some cases.
A hostile and indifferent spouse is one thing; a visibly angry one is another.
There are ways to handle spouses with violent reactions to the divorce.
Some things to remember:
  • Men do not just suddenly develop a "split-personality" during the divorce process.
    Chances are, it has always been there, for the longest time.
    The most extreme tendencies he keeps in check.
    The stress of dealing with divorce lowers their ability to control themselves, thus triggering the Dr.
    Jekyll and Mr.
    Hyde effect.
    Depending on a man's emotional and mental state, it's best to be prepared when he starts to display undesirable behavior.
  • The best thing to do when a husband goes violent with the news of the divorce is to leave things be for a short while.
    During this stage, try to just listen to his ranting without arguing.
    It's best to let him cool down, because decent conversation is impossible with a man in rage.
    Also, anticipate that anything can happen.

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