Couples normally go through a wedding just once in their entire life.
This makes the planning process all the more daunting as the couple more often than not, has to tackle the aspects head on with no prior experience.
A wedding planner may come in handy with making the preparations but can cost a significant amount of money to hire one.
Brides often have more to think about and consider as compared to the groom.
Although it is an event which marks the first day of the couple's life together, the bride undoubtedly gets more attention during this occasion.
After selecting the gown, the hairstyle and accessories are other aspects worth considering to fit the bride's look and outfit during the occasion.
The bride has a variety of options with regards to her hairstyle and the accessories that she can wear on her head.
Traditionally, there is the comb and veil.
Brides can choose none, one or use both of these accessories.
Normally, combs are used for a more functional purpose, which is to remove tangles in a person's hair.
With weddings, they can be used for functional or aesthetic purpose and can fall in either of two types of combs commonly used during weddings.
One type of comb is used to attach the veil and another is used as ornamentation to the hairstyle.
Brides and hairstylists may also use none, one, or both types, depending on the need.
With purchasing a veil, the veil normally comes with a veil comb.
Veil combs are basic combs attached to a veil and used to secure the veil onto the head and hair.
They are there for a more functional purpose rather than for aesthetics.
As such, the veil comb is hidden away from view, the teeth concealed by the hair while the top portion is concealed by the veil itself.
Purchasing a veil which already has a veil comb is convenient for the bride as she can just as easily use it with a variety of hairstyles and take it out during the reception.
In order to use the veil comb effectively, brides are advised to select a hairstyle which involves a bun or any style which has volume.
The veil comb is then pushed down on the lifted area of the hairstyle, making sure that the teeth of the comb are completely covered by the strands of hair while the top portion is concealed by the veil.
To secure the veil and veil comb even further, bobby pins and hair pins may be used in conjunction with the hair comb.
Veil combs come in a variety of lengths and prices.
They can be made from either wire or plastic.
Wire veil combs tend to be more expensive but are more flexible.
Plastic bridal combs, on the other hand are thicker and more difficult to manipulate.
These can be found sold in various shops selling veils and wedding accessories.
Some brides who intend to save money can make their own bridal combs but these take time and a lot of creativity.
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