- Indian women who are trying to conceive should make necessary diet and exercise alterations to maintain a healthy weight and maximize their fertility. This can be done by eating a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean meats and participating in a regular exercise program three times per week. It is also important for women to prepare their bodies before becoming pregnant by adding a prenatal vitamin, in addition to a supplement of folic acid, to their diet each day. Women should also consult with a health care provider before becoming pregnant to discuss any questions or concerns they may have regarding their health and for specific preconception advice for their individual situation.
In addition to women following a preconception care plan, men should also maintain an overall healthy lifestyle by limiting alcohol intake, avoiding cigarettes, eating healthy and exercising regularly in order to increase the quantity, quality, and motility of sperm. - Once conception has occurred, it is important to maintain a high quality diet throughout pregnancy. Indian foods can be divided into six groups: cereals and grains; pulses and beans; milk and dairy products; vegetables, tubers, and roots; fruits, and nuts and seeds. An Indian woman who is pregnant should eat: six servings (60 grams per serving) per day from the cereal and grains food group, three servings (30 grams per serving) per day from the pulses and beans group, two servings (150 ml per serving) per day from the milk and dairy group, four servings (100 grams per serving) from the vegetables, roots, and tubers group, four servings (50 grams per serving) per day from the fruits group, and a handful from the nuts and seeds group each day. Condiments and spices, including fenugreek, methi, tumeric, haldi, cumin, and jeera can be used as needed.
An exercise program should continue to be followed to increase endurace, stamina, and build muscle. This will help to ease common aches and pains that are associated with pregnancy and will increase the speed of delivery. Women should stay well hydrated each day by drinking adequate amounts of water and avoid becoming overheated during exercise. Also, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine should be avoided during pregnancy, as well as raw or undercooked meat. - Fasting, or Vrat, is an integral part of Indian culture and religion and is believed to create a harmonious relationship between the body and the soul. Fasts can vary in type, duration, and purpose with some lasting a day or longer. Depending on the day of the week, Indians are encouraged to abstain from certain foods such as citrus, cereals, or meat. Fasting during pregnancy can deny essential vitamins and nutrients needed for proper fetal development and is not recommended. Islam excuses women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or menstruating from fasting. Women who practice the Indian tradition of fasting should discuss the possible risks and complications with a health care provider.
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