Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Ovulation Signs Explained to Help Getting Pregnant Fast

So what should you know about ovulation signs? Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary.
It is a crucial step in the process of conception.
There are many signs of ovulation and with a little practice, they can be easily recognized.
Rise in BBT The influx of hormones during ovulation leads to an increase in Basal Body Temperature (BBT).
Your BBT is your body temperature while asleep and not engaged in any physical activity or exercise.
Since you are not going to take it while asleep however, it is best taken immediately you awake before going out of bed or walking about.
You need a special sensitive thermometer to do this.
To notice the change, you need BBT chart.
Start recording on the first day through the last day of your cycle.
Your ovulation period is when a slight rise is noticed in the graph recording.
Please note that the change is usually minute and the sharpest rise is noticed when you have already ovulated.
That's why you need a sensitive thermometer and a good chart.
Change in Mucus Consistency Cervical mucus consistency is another sign of ovulation.
When you are ovulating, the consistency becomes sticker and has been aptly described as an egg-white consistency.
The best way to notice is to start taking note of the mucus consistency a few days prior to your mid cycle date.
Rise of the cervix In order to make things easier for the sperm when you ovulate, the cervix undergoes three "ups".
It rises up, opens up and softens up! What great wisdom of the creator is here demonstrated! Other signs of ovulation include mild abdominal cramps and an increased libido!

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