- For an easy answer to your wandering grass, call a local lawn-care business. Such businesses specializing in lawn fertilizing and weed-control often have a service called "off-lawn" weed control. For a fee, they take care of unwanted grass growing in patios, driveways and walkways.
- Go to your local home-improvement store and consult a lawn-care specialist about your grass and driveway. Most home centers carry a selection of chemical treatments you can use to kill your driveway grass. Be sure to follow the instructions included with the sprayer and chemical you select. Spray when the weather is dry and calm to make sure the wind doesn't carry chemicals where they will damage your healthy wanted grass. Once the grass is dead, pull it out while wearing gardening gloves.
- Many homeowners prefer to use non-toxic materials to treat unwanted grass. Small children and family pets also factor in when making green choices. The acid in vinegar kills most vegetation it comes in contact with, making it an inexpensive and environmentally conscientious way to kill unwanted grass. A hot, sunny day is the perfect time to spray trouble areas. The Vinegar Institute suggests using white distilled vinegar, full strength whereas other online recipes recommend adding one ounce of liquid soap per gallon of vinegar. Since vinegar is a non-selective killer, be careful not to let it come in contact with grass or plants that you wish to remain alive. Once the vinegar has done its work, complete the task by pulling out the dead vegetation.
- Reader's Digest suggests raiding the pantry or laundry room to find the answer to your unwanted grass. Sprinkle undiluted bleach, borax or baking soda over top of areas where unwanted vegetation is growing. As with other solutions, be careful to stay away from healthy plants or lawn as these household products will most vegetation they come in contact with.
- Semi-permanent grass removal only solves your grass problem for a short time. To prevent repetitive bouts every spring and summer, hire a landscaping company to temporarily remove the gravel or do it yourself. Treat the ground with a barrier such as landscape fabric and then replace the gravel. Eventually the fabric may break down and need replacing, but you can expect to enjoy many grass-free years before then.
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