The world of marketing for real estate is ever growing and changing.
Think of your marketing landscape as one big pie.
Twenty years ago your marketing pie was cut into maybe four big pieces.
Yellow Pages, door hangers, referrals and maybe a website? Today the marketing pie is cut into innumerable pieces and if you don't have a website yet, then you are behind the game.
But a website today could prove to be less important than having a social media presence.
With all great change comes great opportunity.
The opportunity for you as a successful real estate agent is to take advantage of what social media marketing can offer you to stay ahead of the competition! Let's take a look at some quick facts: 1.
Facebook - 1.
1 billion users - Any successful real estate agent should have a Facebook personal profile and a Facebook business page.
- Use Facebook to promote your listings, build your network and find new clients.
- A Facebook page will help your search engine search results 2.
Twitter - 500 million users - 340 million daily tweets - 1.
6 billion search queries per day - Promote your properties to a broader audience and expand your network - Add Hashtags to your tweets and create a meme for search queries - Take time to notice what your community is tweeting and re-tweeting about 3.
Google+ - 343 million active users - Utilize the power of Google's SEO to maximise your benefits - Great functionality: circles, video conferencing, more visibility - Take time to notice and engage your network, share your passions as well as your professional promotions 4.
LinkedIn - 225 million professional users - Highlight your skills and expertise - Join groups, become an expert - Develop relationships 5.
Foursquare - 33 million users -1.
3 million registered businesses - Register your office - Offer promotions to get walk in traffic - Create valuable reviews and comments for your town These numbers can't be ignored and they are always growing.
More and more people are becoming active online and social media plays a huge roll in that activity, how people interact with each other and get their information.
As a successful real estate agent you need to be active in social media, you need to be recognized as much as possible and take full advantage of the many ways in which people can now see you and connect with you.
Network If you're looking for the next dinner engagement or opportunity to network with new potential buyers, social media marketing has made it easier than ever.
Let's face it, you may go out to a networking event and get to shake a few people hands, some may remember you, some may not.
Social media makes it easier than ever to stay in touch and network yourself.
Take a quick moment to congratulate your Facebook connection on the picture of their new baby.
Little steps go a long way and they will notice you.
Chances are they could be looking for a new home now anyways.
Join Community Groups Join community groups on Facebook or LinkedIn about your city, about your niche property or about real estate.
If there isn't a group about your niche, then create one and invite everyone you know to join! Here is another great opportunity to network and help get you noticed as a real estate expert.
Potential buyers in the group will notice you and every interaction is a trust building step in the right direction.
You can begin building trust with a new client before you even meet them.
Mobile on the Move I'm sure you're always on the move but with your smartphone you can keep yourself active and visible through your social media platforms while moving.
Use your phone to snap photos of your new listings or open house and post them to your Facebook and Twitter.
It only takes a few moments and you've instantly shared new valuable content with your audience of potential buyers.
There are a considerable amount of opportunities available to real estate agents through social media platforms.
Great changes do create great opportunities and with a consistent social media plan and strategy you can take your real estate business to the next level.
If you are not already in the social media game then now is a great time to start.
Michael Packman Real Social - Social Media Marketing for Real Estate
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