If you are financing your home with a mortgage, the lender will require that you have homeowners insurance on your new home. Since it is a lender requirement, there really is no way around it.
The Basics About Your Homeowners Insurance
Since homeowners insurance is something that you will have to have, let's make sure that you know the basics of your insurance policy.
What exactly does your policy cover? In general, your policy will cover the repair costs to fix or rebuild your home in the case of some catastrophe, or peril.
Some of the possible losses that are usually covered by your homeowners insurance policy include fire, wind or even water damage from broken pipes.
One thing to be aware of, many homeowners insurance policies do not cover losses due to flooding caused as a result of living in a flood plain or earthquake damage caused by an earthquake.
Personal Property Is Often Covered By Homeowners Insurance
Under most homeowners insurance policies, personal property is covered along with the structure of the home. Things that are included could be thought of as everything that could be stolen or that would drop out if your house was turned upside down and shaken.
Injuries Are Usually Covered By Homeowners Insurance
And lastly, one of the most important areas a homeowners insurance policy covers you is in the event of a personal injury claim. This includes someone coming to your home on a winter night and they slip and fall on your porch on a patch of ice. If they file a claim against you, your policy should cover it.
Getting a cheap homeowners insurance quote is easy no matter where you live. Be sure to shop multiple insurance companies for homeowner insurance deals [http://getprequalified.com/article_list_insurance_home.php] in order to get the best deal. Getting the best deal on homeowners insurance is easy if you put in the time and know where to look!