You must understand from the very beginning when you start training your dog to never use any Negative techniques.
Negative techniques include hitting, punching, striking etc.
Sure, your dog might listen in the end, but he listens because he fears and hates you, and dread being around you.
Now would you want your dog to feel that way about you? Positive training - involves rewarding your dog when your dog does the right things.
You would, however need to reprimand your dog too when he does the wrong things or display the wrong motions.
So how do you do this without frightening your dog or making him fearful? Understand that Dogs are very sensitive to body language and tone of voice.
Reprimand your dog - in a voice that is low in tone, firm and strong.
Repeat the same word each time in the same tone so that your dog will recognize that he is doing something wrong.
Keep a body language coupled with the correct tone so that your dog will recognize that he is doing something wrong.
Use a firm tone that says "No" with your arms folded.
Notice how I say the term "arms folded"? A firm word plus a strong body tone will alert the dog that he is doing something wrong, and after a few times, your dog will understand and cease to perform that wrong action.
Be consistent - Every member within your family must be consistent with their actions with respect to the dog training routine he is currently undergoing.
Reward when he should be rewarded and reprimand at the correct moment.
Do not have members giving different signals, for if so, the dog will get confused and might not learn to behave as required.
Do not let your dog be easily distracted - Is your dog easily distracted with people moving around, cats lazing in the distance or bicycles passing by? Start your dog training in locations which are quieter and have lesser traffic flow.
Your dog will thus be more focused on you and be able to hear your commands clearer.
Do not scream, shout or yell loudly - Dogs have feelings too and like human beings, they get discouraged and depressed when we raise our voices loudly at them.
Think about it, how you would feel if you get shouted at work everyday? Would you still be looking forward to your job everyday? Become the leader of the pack - Dogs, like most animals follow the leader that makes them secure and one who is more dominant.
Have this mindset from the very beginning when you start your dog training and become the "alpha male" within the group.
Be firm and consistent always.
Do not let your dog walk over your head or even to take a bite at you.
Make him understand his position within the circle.
Be a firm mentor and friend to your dog, never a taskmaster nor a bully, and your dog will follow and love you for life.
Remember that you will need an equally amount of patience plus repetition of the correct actions over a period of time, before your dog truly understands the roles he need to play within the family.
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