Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Herbal Remedies To Manage Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes affects people all around the word. Diabetes prevents the body from forming insulin, which is very important in helping glucose to reach the bodys cells. Our body needs energy from food to stay active and live a healthy life.

The signs that indicate diabetes are: unusual thirst and appetite, weight loss, frequent urination together with high level of irritability and fatigue. These signs can be joined by others such as second diabetes symptoms like frequent infections, recurring skin and gum infections, slow pace of healing in bruises and cuts, sight problem and numbness in the hands.

Type 1 Diabetes is treated with insulin. Other treatments regard exercise and a diabetes diet. The sugar in the blood must be adjusted to a normal level. Oral medication can also be considered. The patients must reduce the intake of fat, cholesterol and of course, simple sugars. Management of stress can be a great treatment because this prevents cell damages. Positive thinking and meditation also help the body grow stronger and fight disease.

Diabetes Herbal Remedies can prove to be very helpful in controlling the levels of sugar. The special medicine plants have relative low levels of toxicity and higher levels of efficiency. Herbal remedies can prove to be helpful in more than one aspect, treating more diseases at once.

Indian Kino (Pterocarpus marsupium, Malabar Kino, Venga, Pitasara) is used in Indian medicine and it is a basis for many pharmaceutical products. It can regenerate pancreatic cells.

Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) has a blood sugar lowering function. 50-60 ml of bitter melon are very efficient in patients with type 1 diabetes. Bitter melon should be used carefully when taking chlorpramide, glyburide or phenformin because it can generate sever hypoglycemia. It should not be used by patients with hypoglycemia for obvious reasons.

Blueberry Leaves (Vaccinium myrtillus) has an active compound named myrtillin which is very efficient. Antocyanosides increase capillary integrity, reduce hemorrhage in eye disease and fights against aging.

Onion and Garlic (Allium cepa, Allium Sativum) are sugar lowering agents. Allyl propyl disulphide (APDS), disulphide oxide (allicin) and flavonoids play a significant role. The onion can be used either boiled or raw and it prevents insulins damages. Garlic and onion are a real gift because they also lower lipid levels and are really helpful in hypertension.

Asian Ginseng is used for its properties of lowering blood sugar and increase the number of insulin receptors. 200 mg of ginseng extract helps lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes patients.

Stevia is used as a sweetener with possible effects on glucose tolerance.

Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar, Meshasriringi, Cherukurinja) increases the effects of insulin in lowering the blood sugar levels. Patients can take 500 mg of gymnema sylvestre extract daily and it helps manage the sugar cravings.

Cinnamon it is great for spicing food and it also releases stomach gas and improves appetite. It also makes fat cell more responsive to insulin increasing conversion of glucoses to energy by twenty times. Cinnamon also fights free radicals preventing diabetes complications.

There should not be made excess use of medicine plants because although they do not have adverse side effects, the excessive use can lead to dehydration, dizziness or others. There are special cabinets where doctors prescribe herbal treatments or you can simply visit websites that are offering diabetes herbal supplements. Or as a supplement, you can take Diabkil capsules twice a day with water or milk.

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