Right fasting however may lead to a purgation of your physical body and your spiritual body alike, hence it can be safely utilized and used for spiritual virtues and to better your physical wellness too if done right.
If for any reason you choose to do the fasting all on your own without any medical supervision or spiritual supervision, then you have without doubt to know exactly what you do. Know basic anatomy and physiology of your body and FEEL you body's response to food, changes of food, energy contained in food! You need to have true divine intuition to do so safely - God can guide you - but it is your responsibility to be fully open for God's guidance!
This chapters provides you with an insight to:
Fasten generally - to improve your well being and health.
Fasting as a means of detoxification of your body.
Fasten for spiritual reasons - spiritual fasten for enhanced refinement of all energy system.
Fasten is an old custom in many civilizations and spiritual traditions around the globe. Fasten is a very old custom exercised in many cultures, religions and spiritual traditions. What exactly is fasten and why do people fasten?
True fasting means a complete halt of any food consumption for a time period. As food you may consider anything that supplies the body with calories, i.e. with energy. That means that with the exception of pure water roughly anything else, food, drinks, milk, soft drinks, juices, any sweetened drinks, like tea or coffee etc. will supply you with some rather energy.
Fasting detoxifies your body and thus leads to weight loss and bettered health.
Fasten does speed up the cleansing and refinement of the physical body and the metaphysical body besides. Obviously any nutrient or potable we take does contain physical energy and metaphysical energy besides. Now most food misses of natural ingredients and natural preparation. Many fruits and veggies are grown with artificial fertilizers and are often chemically treated during their growth or after collecting them. This may cause an accumulation of toxins inside your body. The accrual of toxins over an extended time period may often cause some very severe sickness, as rheumatism and similar diseases that usually start among a big percentage of the population after they attained a certain age.
Prepare for the commencement of your fasting.
There may be several steps of fasting. Before you start consider any fast, you certainly may want to have a close look at your eating habits. It makes little sense to fasten, when before and after the period of fasting you still continue with poor eating habits. Proper food from the point of view of pure, fresh and high content of Prana as part of the food you eat is what you want to acquire to eat day in day out.
Right nutrient from this point of view means:
- Become a vegetarian - as animal meat of any sort, beef, sheep, goat, fish, chicken,... can never create harmony and health, because it was earned through killing and suffering, it was earned by causing pain to others - according to the law of Karma this pain is return to you and after a prolonged period of doing so without acquiring or altering your habits it then may cause a variety of different pain within your own physical body. This pain is usually only a fraction of what has been caused to others, but still for some it may be more than enough. So please have a look in the least your eating habits, whatever you eat should always be grown by preserving and protecting nature and preserving and protecting all forms of life in nature. God is everywhere and within anything - whatever you do to anything, you do to yourself and to God.
- Prefer to eat anything fresh rather than a cooked food, i.e. salads and fruits. Fruits of any kind, i.e. fruits, berries, nuts, natural cereal are of superiority in their vibration.
- Select fruits and veggies that have been grown with natural or no fertilizer in the least. Mulching is a modern and very preservative technique of taking care of farming land.
- Select fruits and vegetables that have been grown in natural sunlight and that have completely ripened in the Sun. Void products that have been prematurely collected just to make them easier to store over extensive periods. Products that are grown under plastic or glass have much less Prana (life-force) than products from outdoor orchards.
- Prepare for the start of your fast.
There might actually be several steps of fasting. Before you start consider any fasting, you actually may want to have a close look at your eating habits. It makes little sense to fasten, when before and after the period of fasting you still continue with poor eating habits. Proper food from the point of view of pure, fresh and high content of Prana included in the food you eat is what you want to learn to eat day in day out.
Healthy all year eating habits.
- Favor to eat anything fresh rather than a cooked solid food, i.e. salads and yields.
- Fruits of any sort, i.e. fruits, berries, nuts, natural cereal... are of superiority in their vibration.
- Single out vegetables and fruits that have been grown with natural or no fertilizer in the least. Mulching is a modern and very preservative method of taking care of farming soil.
- Select fruits and vegetables that have been grown in natural sunlight and that have completely ripened in the Sun. Void products that have been prematurely collected just to make them easier to store over prolonged periods. Products that are raised under plastic or glass have much less Prana (life-force) than products from outdoors plantations.
- Eat only fresh products.
- Virgin tap water, if clean is still the healthiest and best drink for your body. Any mineral water or bottled water should only be used where no fresh and good quality tap water from a local source is available.
- Water is of highly cleansing quality. The very least for purification of your body should be 1 - 1.5 liter per day on cool days and up to 2 - 3 liters and more on hot days or when working hardly.
- Water or any other drinks like herb tea must always be taken a the least half an hours before meals and never together or following the 2 - 3 hours after meals. A good habit is to drink 1 to hours before each meal approximately liter of pure water. This will supply the body with all the fluids for a good digestion.
- Drinking with or immediately after meals disturbs a proper digestion. Water and fluids are of the element of "water". This is used to flush the body from any waste-energy left in the body. High quality food contains high percentage of the element of "fire" and "air" - both are reduced or destroyed in their value by the element of "water". The digestion in your stomach takes approximately 3 to 4 hours for light vegetarian food. This is the best time to wait before taking any drinks after your meals.
- Use herbal tea with caution and beware of the fact that herbs are medicine. One or two cups of the right herb tea may support the purification and best possible function of your body. However void repeated intake of one and the same tea over an extended period, unless your healer or doctors sanctioned or dictated it.
- Remember that everything can be medicine and thus can be healing, but it always depends on the right time, the right dose and the proper dilution of that energy for any particular situation.
Start fasting gently by first skipping servings or reducing meals.
Newbies may start their fast by skipping a meal each day for one or two days weekly. Best would be to skip breakfast, as by the morning your stomach is already empty for many hours and is used to it. When you may feel hungry at the common time for breakfast, imagine or do anything positive that you may enjoy and that can absorb all your attention awhile and you notice the hunger disappearing for some time. It is like a child that wants your attention and if it doesn't get it, goes playing on its own again. If your hunger sees you paying attention to something else, it may go awhile, then try again and after a few tries just stays away. Remember: Keep your attention on something positive and busy - or meditate profoundly. During this time when you skip for instance breakfast, you may drink up to 1 liter of water or in hot whether even more. When you practice this successfully you may realize that you may feel even stronger without food than with. The refining of your physical body shows its positive side-effects.