If you're suffering from frequent yeast infections then you must by now realize that the treatment you're continually using is not curing your infection. All it is doing is treating the symptoms while the infection lies dormant in your body waiting for something to trigger it off again. If you keep on using this method of treatment then you're going to spend a very long time alleviating the symptoms of your infection with anti fungal drugs instead of curing it.
If you're using anti fungal drugs to cure your frequent Candida infection then there is a very good reason why you're still suffering. These treatments do not treat the cause of your infection' they only treat the symptoms. While these anti fungal drugs are the best thing you can take to kill the fungus in your body' they will not prevent the yeast in your body from mutating into more fungus once the treatment has stopped.
No treatment is ever gong to cure your infection if the Candida yeast in your body is continually mutating into fungus. It doesn't matter how powerful the drug is' it can only kill the fungus. If you're continually being prescribed more powerful anti fungal drugs every time you go and see your doctor then you must already realize this fact.
Only your body's natural defenses can prevent the Candida from mutating into fungus' and you need to strengthen these natural defenses if you want to cure your infections for good. Something you have done has compromised your body's natural defenses' and this needs to be addressed before you can cure your infection.
Frequent yeast infections are not only irritating' but they can also damage your good health. If you have fungus breeding in your body for too long then it will start feeding on the walls of your digestive tract. If it is allowed to do this for too long the walls will eventually become perforated' and then toxins from the fungus will enter your bloodstream. This is when your infection becomes systemic. Once this happens you can start suffering from all types of symptoms that your doctor won't be able to put a cause to.
If you started suffering from aching joints because the toxins are attacking them your doctor is not going to diagnose a systemic yeast infection. You're more likely to get prescribed painkillers at first' and then when your symptoms continue you'll be sent to a specialist. But it won't be a specialist for fungal infections' it will more likely be a someone involved with arthritic pain. And that is not what you will be needing.
If you're suffering from recurrent yeast infections then you need to treat them from the root cause. You need to strengthen your body's natural defenses so that the Candida can no longer mutate into fungus. This is the only way you can cure yourself' and the quicker you do it' the better off your body will be. You must eliminate the fungus as quickly as possible so that it is no longer feeding in your body.
Clearly' your doctor is not going to be the person to help you here. If they were then your infection would have been cured long ago. To cure your infection you'll need help from someone who understands how the fungus is breeding in your body. Your doctor only knows what drugs can kill the fungus' and that method of treatment has not done you any favors. If anything' it has made your infection worse.
If you can find a Naturopath local to you then you'll get a lot more help from them. They have a great understanding with the human body' and can guide you on what to do to create an environment in your body so that you can eliminate the yeast and fungus from it. They also help you strengthen your body's natural defenses so that the yeast can no longer mutate into an infection causing fungus.
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