While most of us at one time or another may feel a certain degree of anxiety, or anxiousness: about a test, a job interview, performing on stage; this type of anxiety isn't debilitating and is usually short-lived.
It is a natural psychological occurrence which is dealt with various methods in preparation for that upcoming event.
Yet there are those who suffer from anxiety to the point it hinders their day-to-day existence.
Some things, like going to the market or school, even just leaving their homes, can cause severe anxiety, even panic attacks.
Though anxiety may seem more prevalent in teens, if untreated, can carry into adulthood.
A few of the types of anxiety disorders: GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), a generalized anxiety not triggered by one particular event, but a sense that the worse can happen any time, anywhere.
Panic Disorder, an intense anxiety or fear for no apparent reason, which triggers physical symptoms such as dizziness, heart palpitations, tingling sensations on the body and at times the person feeling this may think they are having a heart attack.
Social Anxiety Disorder is the fear of being in a public situation.
Other anxiety disorders are OCD, various phobias, agoraphobia, post traumatic stress disorder.
Some thoughts are that though anxiety is a disorder in itself, it can be coupled with depression, both of which must be dealt with equally for the well-being.
Feeling such anxieties will make one feel uncomfortable in doing plenty of things, and there are treatments, such as certain anti-anxiety prescription drugs, to therapy counseling which can help the person suffering the anxiety look for their strong point of self and be trained to pull from that strength, to cope.
Some would prefer therapy, such as behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy,over a possible dependency on pharmaceuticals.
The person suffering from anxiety needs to be able to feel comfortable in discussing his or her issues with a therapist they can trust with their thoughts and emotions.
Those involved in the life of the one suffering anxiety, such as family members, have to learn ways to comfort and help during this time.
Finding the right therapist who will be there for them is one of the most important steps in dealing with anxiety and functioning fully.
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