It is very obvious that tooth whitening is intended for the removal of dental stains and for the enhancement of one's tooth color. Among all dental procedures which are performed, tooth whitening procedures are the most common reasons why one goes to a dentist. This is because it helps a great deal in the enhancement of the color of the teeth. What needs to be remembered is that tooth whitening is not accomplished in just one treatment session. It needs to be done a couple of times and maintenance whitening sessions are also necessary to keep the teeth looking white and sparkly.
The Reasons for Teeth Whitening
The enamel is the part of the tooth which determines how white the teeth will look. This is because it is the outermost part of the teeth. On a daily basis, the tooth enamel becomes exposed to pellicle which is easy for stains to adhere to. Three of the most common reasons for teeth staining are cigarette or tobacco smoking, excessive intake of dark-tinged beverages such as coffee, and poor oral hygiene. In addition, teeth will also become less bright as a person's age advances. Another reason for tooth discoloration is called intrinsic stains which are formed on the inner part of the teeth. One causative factor is the use of certain antibiotics such as tetracycline. Unfortunately, teeth whitening procedure work the most efficiently on stains that are found on the surface of the teeth.
Processes involved in Tooth Whitening
Since dark colored teeth can also be caused by other oral health problems, these need to be addressed prior to undergoing a teeth whitening procedure. An example of this is when a person has cavities. If this is the case, the person needs to have these filled and treated since whitening chemical can seep through these cavities and come in contact with the sensitive, inner parts of the teeth. Inability to have dental cavities addressed may result to the development of teeth sensitivity. Whitening procedures for the teeth are also not applicable for ceramic tooth and dental veneers.
Teeth whitening treatments can be done either in the dentist's clinic or in one's own. Professional teeth whitening procedures may initially begin with the taking an image of the patient's teeth. This will be used as a baseline for determining how much the tooth has lightened in color after each treatment. An assessment of one's overall oral health assessment is also included.