Singer Carney Wilson's 1999 mega publicized bariatric by-pass surgery for which she extolled the virtues of the procedure and NBC weatherman, Al Roker's subsequent surgery and weight loss has propelled this highly risky surgery into surgery du jour.
Approximately 140,000 bariatric surgeries have been performed in the United States every year for the past six years.
Natural health advocates, including myself, warn that not only is the surgery dangerous during the procedure, it is dangerous long-term and it is unnecessary.
Furthermore, bariatric surgery does not solve obesity long-term.
Studies reveal five to thirty per cent of people merely transfer their food addiction to another addiction.
Most doctors dismiss this issue as a mere coincidence.
Others say the major physical changes a weight-loss person undergoes can affect their mental capacities and activate substance abuse problems.
Carney Wilson told Inside Edition she became an alcoholic after she had bariatric by-pass surgery.
"I have an addictive personality and when something feels good I just want more," Wilson stated.
An addictive personality is a misnomer, Wilson merely incorporated a different compulsive behavior to cope with the internal distress.
"It's not about the food-the food is symbolic of all the other stuff," Dr.
Robin Smith says.
"Addictions are symbols.
They are in our life to say, 'You are in trouble.
'" Western Medicine's theory and doctrines fail to recognize that diseases are not separate from the person.
In fact every disease can be more accurately called an expression of the patient's lifestyle, beliefs, and energies.
Cancer is not a tumor, for example: it is a systemic disorder that can only truly be cured by helping to support the body, not by attacking it with chemical bombs or knives.
The tumor is merely one physical expression of the systemic disorder, and simply removing the tumor does nothing to cure the disease.
The mental cause for Overweight/obesity is underlying fear, need for protection and running away from feelings-insecurity, self-rejection and seeking fulfillment.
Also-poor diet and lack of exercise contributes to overweight/obesity problems.
When the underlying cause for an issue-i.
overweight/obesity-is ignored and outer methods are used to solve the issue-i.
surgery-the issue is abated temporarily, but resurges when the novelty of the outer method has subsided.
The body is designed to heal itself-given it has the proper care-nutrition, herbal supplements, spiritual and emotional well-being.
Every physical or mental issue is your body's way of communicating with you.
Your body is resilient and has an incredible capacity to heal.
When you deny your emotional issues or ignore the fact that your body is stressed out; sooner or later, your body breaks down, and you experience the emotional or physical dysfunction.
Both the good in our lives and the dis-eases we have are the results of our experiences, conditioning and beliefs.
It is the experiences, conditioning and beliefs that are counter to our true nature that causes the damage.
No matter how dire a client's predicament seems to be, I Know if they are 'Willing' to do the emotional and spiritual work of releasing old habits, beliefs and forgiving, everything can be healed.
The word 'incurable' used by Western Medicine really only means that the person can not be 'cured' by 'outer' methods and that they must Go Within to effect their healing.
The condition was created as a way to cope-it came from within and can be healed from within.
Reference: Heal Your Body, Louise L.
Hay Obesity is merely a messenger, that the mind and spirit needs to create peace of mind, balance and have effective sustanence.
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