Creating Your First Blog If you've been wondering if creating a blog would be fun, and maybe even profitable, but you just don't know where to start, I can help.
Setting up your new blog is not as hard as you might think, even if you are an absolute Internet newbie.
These simple steps can be learned and completed in just a couple of hours.
The Top 3 Steps to becoming a Blogging Pro 1.
The first thing you'll want to give some thought to is the type of blog you would like to have.
Will you be sharing information about your favorite things to do? Do you love story telling or writing in general? Or maybe you'd like to start a business online or even find more leads for your existing Network Marketing Business.
Knowing the type of blog is a very important step in the blogging process.
For instance, if you are building a blog to share your knowledge or just to rant, you can probably just stick with the various free blogging platforms out there like Blogger.
com, WordPress.
com, Squidoo.
com, etc.
If you consider yourself a 'personal blogger', investing your money in your own domain name and hosting account, isn't really necessary, but it's always an option.
If, however, you intend to use your blog with the sole purpose of making some good money online, then you need to invest in a domain name which can be purchased for a small price from places like GoDaddy.
com, and a hosting account; like HostGator.
com, which are the most popular sites right now.
Also, make sure that if you do decide to have an online marketing site, you use a system like WordPress.
org instead of Word press.
Once you own your own domain name and you have your own hosted site, you now become the proud owner of some prime online real estate.
This is important for the long term success of your business; and can save you a lot of time and heartache down the road.
The second most important thing you need to consider, especially if you're setting up an online business, is to choose the topic of your blog.
This topic, or vocation, will largely determine whether or not you do well online.
Do you have your own product to market? Or are you working with affiliate partnerships? Don't just jump into a niche because you like it without having spent time doing the homework on whether or not there is a demand for whatever product or service you are marketing.
One of the best ways to find out if you are in a profitable market is to search how many people are buying products related to that market or how many people are actively looking for that service? No matter how many people covet a particular niche, the question you have to ask is, do they actually spend money on it? There are certain free tools you can utilize to determine this, Google Keyword tools is one of my favorites because it's nice and FREE and it works, lol.
So, take some time to investigate the right market and the majority of your work will be done.
Lastly, pick the theme or appearance of your blog.
You can find a variety of themes for free that come with both WordPress.
com and.
Just pick a style that works for the subject of your blog and one that reflects your own personal style.
These three basic tips will help get you started in the exciting world of blogging, no matter what type of blog you are putting together.
But most of all, enjoy yourself, blogging really is a blast!
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