- 1). Point the mouse cursor at the "Site" menu option and click on "User Manager" in the drop-down menu list. The user manager will display a list of users and the groups to which they belong.
- 2). Click on the name of the user whose privileges require a change. The user manager loads the user's information into the edit form and displays it.
- 3). Click on the group "Author" in the "Group" field of the "User Details" section. This sets the user's privileges to "Author," which allows them to submit articles. "Editors" may edit existing articles or submit new articles. Submitted articles and edited articles require approval by a "Publisher" before they are displayed on the website. A "Publisher" may submit, edit and publish articles without approval.
- 4). Click "Save" in the User Manager menu. The user's details are saved and you are returned to the user manager's user list.
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