Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How Long Will Your Love Last?

When two people fall in love, they say things like: I'll love you forever or our love will last for all of eternity or I'll never stop loving you.
Those words are spoken with deep conviction and meaning, but often if you come back a few years later, they're a distant memory.
The love is gone and has been replaced with frustration, resentment, or even bitterness.
For many people love is an emotion, and the basis for deciding if they are still in love is how they feel about their spouse.
Over time, if couples don't work on their marriage, the feelings of love, comfort, excitement, and tenderness toward their spouse weaken and can become nonexistent.
When it reaches that stage, they are no longer "in love" with that person.
The problem is that according to the Bible, love is not a feeling but a choice.
You choose whether or not you're going to love someone.
In fact true love, God's kind of love, is unconditional.
It's not based on feelings, whether or not the person deserves it, if they've earned it, or are worthy of it.
God chose to love us not because of who we are or what we've done, but because of who he is.
God is love; it's part of his very nature.
When people fall out of love, it's usually because their spouse failed to meet their expectations.
Maybe the person made promises to them that fell by the wayside after the marriage began.
Maybe you expected that they'd act a certain way or do certain things as a married partner, but they didn't.
Often, once the marriage is formed, the things your spouse did to win you were discarded when you thought they'd be a regular part of your marriage.
Whatever the case, there are things you expected from your mate that didn't happen and as a result, your feelings have changed.
Resentment creeps in and begins to form a wedge quietly pushing you apart.
What about the idea of your love lasting for eternity? Is that still a possibility? It is if you follow the Biblical definition and pattern for love.
True love is a choice to honor, care for, support, and encourage the one who is the recipient.
It doesn't look for anything in return or place expectations on the one being loved.
It's not based on their response, worthiness, or attitude.
Proverbs 16:3 says that when you commit your works to the Lord, your thoughts will be established.
If the love you have for your spouse is weak or gone, you can get it back.
It may not happen overnight, but can come back even stronger with time.
How? It starts with a commitment between you and God which says that from now on, with God's help, you will choose to love your spouse whether you feel like it or not; whether they deserve it or not.
Then ask for wisdom and direction on how to demonstrate that love to them and follow through.
Remind yourself and God of your commitment on a consistent basis and keep demonstrating love as God directs, especially when you don't feel like it.
According to this verse, what you'll find is that God will begin to change your thinking toward your spouse.
As you become a channel of God's love toward your spouse, he will rekindle your love for them.
The scriptural principle is that God establishes facts and principles.
Then you step out in faith to apply those principles, and the feelings follow.
When you chose to go God's way, your love for each other can last for an eternity.

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