- 1). Mop up a spill immediately, using a dry white rag. The stain-resistant fabric will normally repel a spill, preventing it from sinking into the fibers.
- 2). Look for the cleaning code typically included on newer upholstered furniture. The code discloses the safe cleaning method for the specific fabric, with "W" meaning safe with water or water based cleaner, "S" is safe to use with dry cleaning solvents or spot cleaners, "W-S" is safe for water or solvent while "X" can only be cleaned by a vacuum or brush.
- 3). Secure an upholstery nozzle or soft brush attachment on the end of your vacuum hose.
- 4). Vacuum the chair's upholstery to remove all surface dirt.
- 5). Remove the stain using a wet rag if the fabric is water safe -- refer to its cleaning code. If you can't remove the stain with a damp rag, and the fabric code indicates you can use a spot cleaner, use the spot cleaner following the manufacturer's instruction.
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