Health & Medical Lose Weight

Miracle Foods To Lose Weight - Green Tea

Green tea is not really classified in foods to lose weight, but the Chinese have known for hundreds of years the health benefits of green tea.
It doesn't take much green tea to have extremely positive results.
Some of the positive results include increasing your metabolism, increasing your energy, block fat absorption, make your immune system stronger, make your skin look healthier, increase your mental acuity, anti-aging benefits and good dental health.
Green tea is obtained from the process of oxidation.
All teas come from the same leaves with the darker teas oxidizing longer and retaining more caffeine.
However, this type of tea is not oxidized as long so it retains more of the health benefits.
The taste is not as distinct as black tea, but does have a unique flavor.
This tea is truly one of the natural foods to lose weight.
The catechins in this tea increases your metabolism and increases your energy naturally.
Although there is some caffeine in it, this tea does not have as much caffeine as the other teas due to the lower amount of oxidation.
Green tea should be added to anyone's diet who is interested in losing weight and increasing your overall health.
This natural food to lose weight contains catechin polyphenols which activate the enzymes that burn triglycerides which are what fat and sugar turns into.
This process where fat and sugar turn into triglycerides takes place in the liver.
EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate is the ingredient found in green tea that is responsible for metabolism stimulation.
This is what increases your weight loss.
This tea is a miracle of nature for foods to lose weight.
Although this is not really a food.
Did you know that this type of tea also helps you exercise longer and it is not the caffeine that does it, because there are also decaffeinated teas available.
The chemicals in green tea help you increase energy and build muscle and increase your metabolism when you exercise.
This also stimulates fatty acids that are used by the muscles and liver.
This will also decrease the rate carbohydrates are used so you can exercise longer.
Green tea is one of the best foods to lose weight.
This type of tea and weight loss has had several lab tests on mice and on humans.
The mice that consumed green tea and exercised had eighty nine percent reduction in weight gain as opposed to the mice that only received green tea with no exercise being a forty seven percent reduction in weight gain.

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