If you are considering filing for bankruptcy you might have previously been too embarrassed to ask for help or advice.
Unfortunately, bankruptcy still has something of a social stigma attached to it, particularly amongst the older generations and people simply do not like to talk about topics with a stigma attached.
This means that a number of people are misinformed about certain facts relating to filing for bankruptcy.
First of all, increasing numbers of people seem to believe that the changes brought about in 2005 when Congress overhauled the bankruptcy code simply mean that most people are now finding it impossible when filing for bankruptcy.
This is not the case.
While it is true that the changes of 2005 made the whole process a lot more complicated than it previously was, most who were eligible before the changes still are.
And bankruptcy is a very legitimate and viable way for hard to do Americans to get a clean slate.
If you are in over your head with credit card and other unsecured debts, then bankruptcy really is something you should consider.
If the situation is such that the only way you could even meet payments on outstanding debts would be to live below the minimum standard of living set by the government, thus you will be unable to pay off your debts within three to five years, then there is a good chance that filing for bankruptcy is the way out for you.
Of course, as with any financial decision of any kind, you have to fully consider all your options and you have to know both the advantages and negative consequences of a decision like that.
In addition, you will need to speak to a bankruptcy attorney, in the first instance to establish whether or not this is the best way for your to go and secondly to see you through the process.
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