Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Foods for a Healthy Colon

The colon is the last part of the digestive tract, where waste is prepared for excretion. Having a healthy colon may not be your first concern, but it performs some necessary functions for your overall wellbeing. Nutrients are absorbed in the colon, and so is water. When you eat a diet that is low in fiber, you slow down the digestion process. As a result, the colon may absorb too much water from the waste and cause dry, hard stools to form. These stools back up in your system and cause constipation.

Constipation is defined as less than three bowel movements per week. It can be somewhat uncomfortable or downright painful. Some people believe that this waste builds up in your body over time, along with toxins that come from junk food we eat and that we come in contact with from the environment. Toxins leak out into the body and poison the rest of your body. One of the ways some people prevent this from happening is to use a colon cleansing kit that contains, among other ingredients, fiber capsules to flush toxins out of the body.

Of course, preventing this type of build-up from occurring in the first place is much more effective in keeping your digestive tract in healthy working order. Eating colon healthy foods as part of your regular diet will help keep your colon healthy and eliminate problems that can increase over time.

If you have had a colonoscopy and have had less-than-perfect results, or if you have a family history of colon cancer, then you want to take special care to including colon healthy foods in your diet. That doesn't mean you have to go out in the yard and graze to stay healthy. What it does mean is including some foods in your diet that you might not normally think about while eliminating that triple-decker cheeseburger that you eat for lunch every day.

Since the colon uses fiber to keep things moving along smoothly, you need to eat vegetables and fruits, along with grains, to provide the necessary fiber to your diet. These foods also provide vitamins and minerals your body needs for overall health.

Try to eat salad every day. You can mix it up to make it different every day so it doesn't get to be too routine. Make your own dressings to use at home so you know what goes into them. Sweeten with honey instead of sugar for a healthier sweet taste.

Some people just don't have what it takes to stick to a vegan diet. If you feel like you would starve by going for one day without meat, then you aren't very likely to be successful at giving it up. What you can do is make healthier choices. Choose chicken, fish or turkey whenever possible. White pork is also lower in fat than other cuts. If you have to have some red meat in your diet, then go with the leanest cut or mix you can find.

When it comes to breads, choose those that are whole grain. These are the ones that contain all parts of the grain and all the vitamins and fiber. Foods rich in fiber are imperative for a healthy colon and they are at the top of the list of colon healthy foods.

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