Land of the Loch Ness monster, kilts and more recently the deep fried Mars bar, Scotland is synonymous with stunning landscapes and whiskey drinking. Burley men in clan plaid playing the bagpipes is a romanticised ideal of the natives in the highlands. One thing that hasn't altered north of Hadrian's wall is the fierce independence, defended mightily many times by sword, and now defended mightily by finance.
It may come as a surprise to some that Scotland is one of the world's most influential exporting countries in Europe, estimated at being worth about seventeen million pounds per year. Not bad for an economy that trades mostly in whiskey, finance and electronics. The Scottish industry used to be a lot different, based mostly on heavy industry.
If you were looking for work in Scotland at the turn of the century, it would have been through doing the rounds at ship building yards, as Glasgow was a major player in the shipbuilding industry. Other jobs available were in the coal mining industry and the steel industry. Around the 1970s, the major employment sector was related to the petroleum industry and the extraction of North Sea Oil. It is still a major employer today, but as the economic balances shift around the world to less industrial ways of generating income, this also is in decline.
Looking for Scottish jobs at present won't involve hawking ones talents in a dock or down a pit. Instead the recruitment sector is looking for people to work in the service sector and finance. Edinburgh is actually one of Europe's biggest financial centres, supporting major banks and offering financial services to companies all over Europe. The need for people to work in the service industry reflects the decline from the county's manufacturing past and the increase in tourism. The tourist industry is a major part of the economy, with some major tourist attractions and a landscape that attracts people from around the world.
One of the most famous attractions is the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. This event attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year, supporting hotels, bars and businesses throughout the festival. The comedy and arts on offer cater for all ages and tastes and therefore attracts a varied demographic whose spending all adds to the strength of the Scottish economy. Indirect economics boosts come tourists sight seeing whilst visiting. Places such as the Scottish Parliament buildings and Edinburgh Castle. In fact, the tourist industry accounts for around seven per cent of employment in the country.
It cannot be denied however that some areas are associated with unemployment and degradation. Some of this can be attributed to the aforementioned decline of the manufacturing industry. Much the same decline has been seen in other parts of the United Kingdom where small communities thrived on the work surrounding coal mining and the like. Although some towns like this have been able to generate an income by opening up old mines to the public, offering guided tours and running a visitor centre, many communities have not had the opportunity to do so.
Turning to Scottish borders to relocate will bring personal benefits as well as employment benefits. Being an independent country, it has its own sports events and leagues, National Health Service and a highly regarded education system. The varied cultural background in the arts and music means that there are plenty of social events for the diary. And who can neglect the opportunity for mountainous adventures snowy peaks and rocky crags, or even a spot of monster watching on the shores of Loch Ness.
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