The issue of bullying is a serious matter among kids.
You need to understand that most of their attitudes and overall personality gets developed during their formative years.
Regardless if it was your kid who is being bullied or it was your kid who is the bully, both kids need help when this event happens to them.
But when it is your child that is the bullying perpetrator then you have a serious issue to deal with.
Here are some tips you can use: 1.
Recognize the issue - One of the reasons why bullying exists is because there are no adults who deal with the situation.
The first thing you should know is recognize the fact that your kid is becoming a bully.
That he needs to be corrected and in the process you also need to identify what specific actions make him appear to be a bully to others.
Before you can make your child stop this act, you should first be able to understand him and the things he does are wrong.
Sit down and talk about it - Soon as the problem is finally out in the open then you can finally go ahead and talk about it.
One big mistake that adults do is that they think kids would not be able to understand and that it would be difficult to talk to them about serious matters--but this is is not true.
Instead of corporal punishment, the best way to instill discipline is to discuss the wrong things done by the kids and help them recognize what's wrong from what's right.
It is through talking that you can really mentor your kids and let them realize who they should be.
Questions can be less intimidating - However, there are just times when kids might not respond well to a straight talk.
They may also feel that something is wrong and would automatically close up instead of discuss things with you.
The better way to go about this is to start asking questions so that you can get the information you need without putting too much pressure on your kid.
This can also help them naturally tell you what you need to know about them.
Use punishment in the form of taking out what he likes from him - You don't have to resort to hitting your child just so you can stop and control their bullying behavior.
A more effective means you can take is to remove the things they enjoy from them every time they would be a bully to others.
It might be as simple as grounding them for a few days or not allowing them to join a sport they really want to do.
This can be more effective if you also relate that with what they do with the kids, how the kids they bully must feel every time they do mean things to them.
There are many reasons why some kids turn out to be bullies, but most experts agree that it often stems from a dysfunction in the family.
You might not know these things and when a kid becomes a bully, you should not just focus on the kid alone but also consider the kind of environment to which they are growing up in.
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