16th birthday holds special importance for everyone. Kids step in to youthfulness by turning 16. People who are invited to 16th birthday party do not find it easy to find appropriate gifts for the birthday boy/girl. Parents also get confused when it comes to choosing a gift for their children turning 16. However, it is fun to arrange a birthday party for anyone who is turning 16.
There are many conventional birthday ideas which are perfect for people turning 16. If you are planning to arrange for a birthday party for your girl who is turning sweet 16 then you can select the candle light theme for her birthday. In this theme, sixteen candles are lighted up and every candle has a separate meaning which can be explained by you to your girl. The 1st candle is meant for the parents and the 2nd one is meant for the siblings. Candle number three to six signify rest people in the family like grandmother. For friends; candles from seven to fourteen are lit up. The 15th candle is lit up for the best friend of the girl. The 16th candle is meant for the special person in her life or her boyfriend.
People living in New York will not face any difficulty in selecting the right theme for the birthday party of any girl or boy who is turning 16. If your child is a fan of Twilight movies then you can organize a party based on this movie theme. Tulip flowers, red apple and white queen chess are the things which you can use to decorate the venue of the party and make it give the feel of twilight movies. The person for whom the party is thrown would love to hear the songs of Twilight movie while having a nice time with his/her friends and family.
A very creative and touching birthday idea for anyone turning 16 is to arrange for a slide show on a projector which will show his/her pictures from the birth till now. It will surely make the birthday girl or boy feel very special. You need to take care that the slide show is perfect and there should be no lights on when the projector runs. A photograph can say a thousand words silently. It is a great idea to arrange a slide show on the 16th birthday of your loved one.
You can also make your little girl feel very happy and special on her 16th birthday by arranging a Tiara ceremony. In this ceremony, the mother of the girl places a crown on the head of the girl to welcome her to womanhood. Another great idea is to have a father-daughter dance while every other guest will be watching. All these ideas are traditional and time tested. Numerous people have tried these ideas and arranged magnificent birthday parties for their special ones. Apart from these ideas, there are several other birthday party ideas you can choose from. New York is probably one of the best places for celebrating birthdays.
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