Sleep apnea in layman's term is described as a state of the body when the respiratory procedure stops for almost ten seconds during his sleep.
This can happen up to four hundred times during the course of a single night's sleep, and can have serious recursion son the health of the person sometimes even leading to death if it is not treated properly.
The cause of his peculiar disease varies from being hereditary to a unhealthy lifestyle system.
Smoking, drinking, fatigue, stress and many other such reasons are responsible for sleep apnea.
It can give rise to your blood pressure level, cause distraction in your work, make you feel irritated and even cause a accident while driving.
It's obvious that sleep apnea is a serious problem.
if you want a permanent solution then you can opt for surgery, however if you think your problem is not very critical then you can go for varioussleep apnea machines like CPAP, or BiPAP.
Both these sleep apnea machines have the same function.
They help the patient to breath by forcing the air into his nostrils by means of a air tight mask that is secured severely on his face by the help of elastic bands.
The two most popular machines that are used to treat this disorder is known as CPAP machine and the BiPAP machines.
The CPAP is widely recommended for people who have mild sleep disorders.
It works on a one way mechanism and helps a person to inhale the air.
it is cost effective and is also portable which makes it a good choice for mild sleep apnea patient.
However if you re patient of some kin d of heart disease then BiPAP is the ideal choice for you because it work s on two way mechanism.
It maintains the pressure while breathing in and breathing out of the air.
In case a person happens to miss his breath for a certain period of time the BiPAP forces air into hi s mouth, to reestablish the regular breathing procedure.
BiPAP also give a patient much more comfort because pressure inside the face mask is controlled.
There is advanced form of CPAP machine known as ACAP which automatically adjust the amount of pressure that should be used during the respiration process, so that the patient is relieved from exerting high amount of pressure during normal breathing procedure.
The utility of the sleep apnea machine are also enhanced by the use of various machine accessories like a humidifier, breath counter, cotton face masks, mask liners etc, to make the experience more soothing for the patient.
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