Health & Medical Parenting

Three Things You Need To Know About Child Behavior - Necessary Knowledge About Child Behavior

When it comes to the necessary knowledge about child behavior parents tend to go a little overboard.
Especially first time parents.
Yet in light of the fact that young children can display some very strange behavior it is important that you do your best not to judge or think too much of any given oddity.
It begins with our own parents and becomes a passing down of the torch so to speak.
There might be some report or study that explains how one behavior or another will indicate a future problem down the road.
This only adds fuel to the fire.
Just because your child is soft-spoken or laughs at a dying pet does not mean anything at all.
We judge people by how they act in or during one instance, far too much.
It is okay when they become a little older, like preteens; but any child under the age of 7 or so should be given a little leeway.
In a way we are all judged by our behavior in one fashion or another.
But what if someone walked in on you during a singing session that you had thought would never have an audience? You would not want to be judged by this one little incident.
This is fairly demonstrative of that whole truism; "You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
" Children can sometimes act in ways that might indicate one thing or another, when in reality it is simply not the case.
This is why it is so important to discard your first instincts to immediately jump to the conclusions of some type of serious problem.
Realizing your worst fears can actually create them.
It is my firm belief that when A.
and A.
were first brought out to infuse the public with some type of readiness to explain away all the problems parents were having with their kids is caused more damage than good.
Too many parents came forward with "That is it! That is the problem I am having with my child!" This made the problem a solution for them.
Of course in some cases this was the problem but in many cases it BECAME the problem because those children did not actually have Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Some times we search for answers so diligently that we find them whether or not they are actually needed.
So this article is about the three things that you need to know about child behavior which may help to prevent you from making a hasty decision.
The number one most important thing you need to know about your child's behavior is the difference between reaction to stimuli and actual behavior.
Not all behavior comes from the same place and this is important.
Reactions are ways in which we handle what is in front of us.
Behavior is the ways we choose to act.
Some behavior comes from emotions like fear, or happiness.
While others come from thoughts or psychological motivators like "I made you breakfast because I thought you would like to have someone help you for a change.
" reactions are not necessarily behavior but a function of behavior.
It is not so clearly defined.
The second thing to understand about all the ways children act out is that they are still learning what to do and what not to do.
In many cases they will do exactly what they are told not to and this is actually a good thing.
They are trying to learn from experience.
So the second is behavior patterns.
Unless it is something that happens over and over again it may not be significant.
Even if it does become a pattern it still might not mean much more than a phase.
Being patient enough to truly have cause for concern is not an easy thing to do.
Speaking from experience it is still better to wait it out in place of rushing to the doctor or therapists and telling them what you think is wrong.
After a while your child may turn about-face and begin to completely change the tune.
If you have already jumped the gun and started the ball rolling in one direction you will have wasted valuable time, energy and money that could have been put to better use.
The last one mentioned in this article is just as important as any of the others.
Nothing is Definitive and you always have options.
In any diagnosis there is always room for exceptions.
Just because the doctor says you may have a problem with one behavior or another does not necessarily mean it is so or that is will be this way forever.
You always have options and can always make a difference in your child's life.
Many people believe that if there is some kind of behavioral concern early on that you are going to have what many affectionately term a 'wild Child.
' This is another one of those things that are simply just not true.
Many also believe that A.
and A.
also indicates juvenile or criminal behavior is inevitable.
This myth is slowly being debunked.
But the fact is there is such an extremely small percentage that it is amazing this myth ever even got started to begin with because it is so unfounded.
So if you do find yourself on the receiving end of an unwanted diagnosis always remain calm and keep in mind this is just one persons' opinion and professional or not that is all it really is.
There are a million and one different things to know about human behavior and how it develops but not all behavior deserves to be interpreted.
Some times people (Children Included) just act in certain ways for the heck of it.
Being patient and understanding differences will go a long way toward achieving the peace of mind needed to allow some leg-room.
Keep in mind there are many different things to know and we are still learning new things about behavior everyday.
Try not to imagine the worst every time an unwanted behavior arises.
Child behavior is difficult enough to determine without adding to its mystique.

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