Health & Medical Body building

How to Gain Weight - Tips For Fast Weight Gain

Believe it or not, many people struggle to gain weight and don't know the first place to start.
Gaining weight will make you look like you have a bigger body and give you more confidence.
Hopefully these 6 tips can help you gain weight and achieve a bigger body.
Increase Your Calorie Intake:
Your calorie requirement will vary depending on your weight, height, activity level and your body's metabolic rate.
Calculate how much calories you eat each day and add about 500 extra calories to your diet.
You can use a calorie calculator online to help you figure this out.
If you don't notice an increase in your weight after 2 weeks then your going to have to add another 500 calories to your weight gain diet.
Choose Your Foods Wisely:
Choose dairy products, fish and meat over other food items like bread.
Eat more foods high in protein and starch content.
Foods such as beans, peas, potatoes, and rice should also be included in your diet.
Increase Your Protein Intake:
Increasing your protein intake is vital to gaining weight.
It is protein that builds new muscles and helps you to get bigger.
However, most of your calories for weight gain comes from carbohydrates and fats so don't replace them with protein.
Eat More High-Calorie Snacks:
High calorie snacks such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, yogurt, and breakfast bars are great items to snack on in between meals because they can help you with your calorie intake.
Workout Really Hard:
To gain the kind of weight your looking for you have to get in the gym and workout hard.
You don't want to gain fat and sloppy weight, you want to gain lean muscle weight so your body looks big, toned, and muscular.
Be Consistent:
A lot of people get frustrated because they don't see immediate results in their weight gain.
However, if you consistently keep eating the right foods and performing the proper workouts your body will respond.
You will not gain weight if your not regularly taking the steps to do so.

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